We use Geovision to record conversation sessions lasting about 1 hr each. Participants wear headband mounted unidirectional microphones.
We are having constant battles with the audio function of Geovision.
1. At first, we were finding sound recording would drop out when people spoke too softly and wouldn't kick back in again until a loud noise was made. We thought it had to do with 'Gain Control' function in the 'Camera/Audio' install settings. We increased the 'Gain Control' and this seemed to fix the problem when we tested it.
Are we right to deduce that 'Gain Control' has a threshold function, where sound must reach a certain amplitude to get the recording started?
2. Since then, we've found that our last few recordings have had distorted very loud static-like sound, not even recognisable as speech. Seems the gain control was too high. But when we pull the 'Gain Control' down again we get the drop-out problem.
There doesn't seem to be a happy medium! Are we missing something? Should we be adjusting 'Monitor Sensitivity' as well?
I would really appreciate your advice on this one! Thanks in advance,
Other relevant details:
We use Geovison GV-1000 software. We have a 16 port system with a GV soundcard. We run on Windows XP (Service Pack 3).
We use Shure dynamic microphones which run to the Geovision soundcard via a MOTU audio system, which has pre-amp. Our technician has monitored the output from the MOTU system and it’s clear and sounds good without dropout or distortion. It seems to be an issue going into Geovision software.