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Everything posted by CoolDude

  1. CoolDude

    DVR Audio

    I would like to use a 16 channel AD4016 along with a Panasonic Arbitrator wireless mic set up recording all 16 channels of video but only one camera recording the audio.
  2. CoolDude

    covert external motion detector

    The problem you are going to run into is a lot of PIR sensors are not silent when they detect motion. Somone may be able to recommend one that does not have that distinctive"click"
  3. Anyone know where I can get a copy of the AD Digimux, Digiclient remote access software? I can get the manual but not the software. Thanks
  4. CoolDude

    DVR-Monitor Output.

    Is it possible to overload the main monitor output from a DVR by running 3 monitors on it. I am using the spot monitor output also. I am losing video output to them even though the DVR is still recording. Thanks
  5. I read somewhere here that drives that record continuously should be replaced every 5 years?. I have some DVR that have drives date coded 2002 and I am unable to find the model number listed anywhere and therefore cannot find the specs. I am assuming they are discontinued but hopefully replaced with something else. These drives are Maxtor 160Gb and probably 5400 rpm. Is there any place where I can cross reference the model number to other manufactures? Are 5400 rpm being phased out? Thanks
  6. CoolDude

    DVR-Monitor Output.

    Yes this is the Honeywell and no I am not using the S video.
  7. CoolDude

    Stupid Question

    Is Canadian CCTV PAL or NTSC?
  8. CoolDude

    Cameras close to beach

    I would also be concerned about using aluminum housings close to the ocean.
  9. I have been offered a DSR at a reasonable price but it only has the 30gig hard drive. Are larger drives available as generics or am I locked into GE drives and would I be able to switch it out myself? Thanks
  10. My DVR for some time has intermittently decided to shut itself down. Usually I can pull the plug and plug it in again and it reboots. Now it has decided not to reboot at all. Any obvious things I can check before I send it back for service? Thanks
  11. CoolDude

    Problem With Honeywell DVMS-1600

    Son of a gun, it is an ATX wire for wire, output for output, same sized case. I did not want to mess with opening the unit but now that Honeywell has confirmed it is the PSU and not some weird motherboard or software problem I'm off to CompUSA for a replacement. Thanks kensplace.
  12. CoolDude

    Problem With Honeywell DVMS-1600

    Word from service center is the internal PSU is dead and they have no replacement or equivelant to put in its place. Anyone have access to a Pacific Power products KPP250-49?. A Google & Ebay search turn up nothing and PPP is out of business. The PSU drives the 3 hardrives, the CD burner and the motherboard and is multiple voltage outputs. If I cannot find the PSU then I am going to be looking for a 16 channel replacement. Thanks
  13. CoolDude

    Problem With Honeywell DVMS-1600

    Well it finally died and because I am an end user GE/Honeywell will not talk to me. I need ideas on getting this in for service. Thanks
  14. CoolDude

    DSR-2000e Pal version

    I just tried booting up with a camera connected and it configures itself for NTSC. Yeh! The only difference is the max record still reads 50PPS for PAL not 60 for NTSC. Minor problem of no consequence. When I plugged the camera before booting it did not recognise it as NTSC. Thanks.
  15. Is there any way to get a PAL version to record NTSC? Thanks
  16. I have the opportunity to buy one at a reasonable price but I am concerned that the specs say the max frame rate across all 16 cameras is 60 frames per second. I am assuming that that means each camera maxes out at 3.75fps unless I use motion detection. Is this a fair spec or should I look for something different?
  17. CoolDude

    Silentwitness by Honeywell

    Very nice cameras for the money. If you buy on Feebay make sure they are selling the complete camera and not just the housing. These are three part camera systems. Housing, camera and then lens have to be selected.
  18. CoolDude

    Dead Silent Witness

    I have a V25 Armordome and the board camera is dead. I like the housing and was thinking of replacing the dead camera with another brand and keep the housing. The dome is smoked so I am looking for something that will work. Would appreciate suggestions on suitable board cameras. Thanks
  19. CoolDude

    WizKid IR Domes

    I have a vandal proof Wizkid where the daylight color is washed out. Greens are blue, red are black etc. Is there any way of color correcting the daylight picture?. Does O'k at night but daylight s*cks. Thanks
  20. CoolDude

    WizKid IR Domes

    An older version of the WZ49N.
  21. Not sure if I made the link clickable but when I first saw the footage of her handling the baby it looked as if she was shaking the heck out of it until I realised the footage was timelapsed. Wonder if the home owners are going to get sued also. If you Google her name you can find the video. http://www.wbir.com/news/national/story.aspx?storyid=35220 http://www.nbc6.net/family/2551632/detail.html
  22. Anyone have experience with these day/night cameras? I cannot find any reference to a cut filter in the brochure or specs. Thanks
  23. CoolDude

    Panasonic WV-CP254H day/night

    Thanks for the info but I still see no reference to a mechanical cut filter. From your experience using the camera does it switch via a cut filter?. My Toshibas "switch" from color to B/W but they do it digitally and they are garbage for the price. Thanks
  24. CoolDude

    DVR Mounting

    Any problems with turning a stand alone DVR on its end and stand it up like a tower computer? Thanks
  25. CoolDude


    Anyone have experience with this model. I am particuarly interested in the 0.03lux @F1.2. I am experimenting with a low light camera, a day/night with cut filter and a day/night with IR. I have the opportunity to try one and was curious as to how it would stack up against the cut filter and the ir cameras. Thanks