Hello Everyone, Please do bear with me as i have not installed a large system like this before.
I have 20 dome camera's on all floors of the hotel, all cables are run down to the basement comms room. At first, i made the mistake by connecting the power via terminal blocks & then realised a better option would be to crimp the wires with the "Krimps".
Apart from that, around 18 of the camera's are working, all hooked up to the DVR and network. In the comms room i am using seperate power supplies which the power is cherryed off from each supply (max of 5)
On one of the cameras, in this case (fire exit) if i disconnect this from the power another 3 camera's will turn off. I just can't work out why, is it because they are feeding from that power?
My other problem is the white fuzzy lines & ghosing, not seen so much on the main monitor but more on the computer screen (networked), but the lines are still on the monitor.
There are a few floors that are still left to crimp, so im just guessing at the moment the problem is the power on the cameras that have not been crimped yet?
Any help would be fantastic.
Thank You