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Everything posted by johngman

  1. johngman

    disk space low

    had to reinstall 8.3 but now i am getting errors multicam error recycle empty and disk space low check log location,help me please
  2. johngman

    video choppy

    updated 3 ystems to 8.3 everything up and running fine systems 1 and 2 are chhoppy and system 3 isn nice and smooth,any ideas on how to correct this?
  3. johngman

    upgrade to 8.3

    ive just upgraded to 8.3 but now i cannot view my cameras the interface loads up but no cameras are showing any help would be appreciated
  4. i have 3 systems 16 cameras each,i am able to view system 1 and 2 remotely but when i sign into system 3 it says login succesful,but no privelege.i can get into the remote view playback on system 3 and have created supervisor accounts and passwords but still no luck ,any help would be great
  5. still no luck on viewing camera 3,although i can open the remote view log and use it, logged in remotely as administrator rights,could this be a software clitch?
  6. yes the ports are all forwarded it is letting me in but for some reason it says no privelege after logging in,and i can get into the system remotely but just the remote playback