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  1. to be honest I can't remember, I think it was a little worse, but the quality was set to mid(it is now set to highest). I have spent a lot of time adusting the contrast and such, I though the cameras were adjusted, but everything is on factory defaults. The picture is better now, but not great(might be camera limitation). I have adusted the contrast so the lettering is almost white like you mentined and now I am strugling to adjust the "hue" and 2 other parameters which slipped my mind at this time. Do you know of a "adjusting secruity camera settings for dummies" reference? I really need to read it apparently. letssled
  2. Try setting BitRate from variable to constant. I looked for anything resembling a "bitrate setting" but found none, I did set the quality setting to "highest". Is the bitrate setting in Windows or would it be in with the program that came with the system? Thanks,
  3. Hello Blake, I will include my specs for the current 3 cameras, I am really intersted in a sugesstion as we are looking to buy some more to "fill in the holes". I live in Canada, so I need a weatheproof camera. I have a wired system with CAD5E wires as well as coax. Also, I would like to keep them on the small side so they are not to noticable(I want to catch them). Color 1/4" Sharp, 420 TV Lines 3.6 mm lens, weatherproof 3.1 Megapixel, 2048 x 1536, Colour, Day-Night, ½â€
  4. Here is my camera specs: Color 1/4" Sharp, 420 TV Lines 3.6 mm lens, weatherproof 3.1 Megapixel, 2048 x 1536, Colour, Day-Night, ½â€
  5. Thank you VERY much, I appreciate your effort. At the time I did not realise the IR's were not working(it has since been replaced). Also I adjusted the contrast and some of the other settings to get a better picture. I am curious though, how do you adjust or change the compression ratios? Is this the frame rate? I am looking at buying a mic as well, but I have not found an outdoor rated model. letssled
  6. no, you saw correct it was two girls. According to the Police youth crime is now 50/50. There is no more gender bias towards males; how sad.
  7. windows media player. They are avi files with indeo "R" 5 compression.
  8. I am having a hard time posting(the noob spam filter is catching me). I am on hotobucket and my nickname is the same there as it is here. I hope this goes through.... l
  9. k, this is a steep learning curve for me, sry. I looked into the compresion and it is an indeo "R" 5 compression.
  10. Rory, I just got home and confirmed the video files are .asf and .avi files.
  11. hi Rory, thanks for the reply. The video opens with windows media player, so I believe it is an mpeg. The system I use is from 2020DSS, a local complany. It is a stand alone system with a separte 1 terrabyte hardrive and handles both analog and digital cameras. I have two Sony 3.0 Mega Pixel cameras and a smaller analog camera; soon to be adding another 4 anaolg and 1 more mega pixel. sry for double post.
  12. hi Rory, thanks for the reply. The video opens with windows media player, so I believe it is an mpeg. The system I use is from 2020DSS, a local complany. It is a stand alone system with a separte 1 terrabyte hardrive and handles both analog and digital cameras. I have two Sony 3.0 Mega Pixel cameras and a smaller analog camera; soon to be adding another 4 anaolg and 1 more mega pixel.
  13. Hello, I am new to this forum, so I appoligise if this post is a repeat or in the wrong spot. My neighbourhood has been plagued with b&e and auto theft. After roughly $2500 a year in vandalism costs, my wife and I decided to purchase a high end security system. I caught two young girls breaking into my car($2000 damage) but unfortunately the police are unable to locate them. Not giving up though, I would like to know if there is a company out there that can process my video footage, clean it up, and supply me with a high quailty profile pic(s). The pictures will then be put on mailboxs with an award offered for there arrest. I have confimed this is legal(I live in Canada) and the Police are most willing to assist. But there is no company local that can do this and I have exhausted the internet; I am willing to pay. Thank you,