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Everything posted by tomcctv

  1. tomcctv

    Upgrade on Samsung STD-1694?

    Hi. Are you using all 16 channels on dvr ? and what is your budget
  2. tomcctv

    Upgrade on Samsung STD-1694?

    Hi. I would give hikvision a big miss it’s junk you can get a lot better where are you located
  3. tomcctv

    Hikvision colorvu poc

    Hi being on coax already then yes just replace dvr as there is no difference between a IP system and HD analog but what I would say is don’t buy a hik or a poc system use a standard hd dvr it gives you much better options on camera types plus you can still use your existing cameras as well what part of the world are you in
  4. these apps will work with your dvr apple and android links https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/xmeye/id884006786 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobile.myeye
  5. Wow is a few words a lecture that card uses xmeye software so as not to become another lecture I will have leave out the software page link
  6. Is it not much easier to set home as preset 1 and give delay time of 15 minutes
  7. tomcctv

    Help needed please

    What part of the uk ? if your with BT give them a call and ask them to change your iP address …. They usually do it in a hour or so …. You won’t even see a break in your internet go to what’s myIp and write down your current iP address which will show on your screen …. And then check it after you have talked with BT as far as cctv cost it is not expensive just start with two cameras ….. are you a house of flats? And what is your budget
  8. tomcctv

    Help needed please

    Hi what part of the world are you in as countries has different rights if your ring goes off line when he is about then you need to check if he is not on your Wi-Fi (access to your router) Use an app something like…. net analyzer this will tell you who is on your network it also helps police as you will have a record of his IP address hiding cameras behind windows can give you problems in both camera image quality and secret recording of others ring doorbell is just a doorbell not a cctv system a real cctv is not expensive and is your best option
  9. Can you post a picture of the main menu
  10. Can you post a pic of wires in balun at dvr end and also picture of power going into cat5
  11. 2013 unit ….. why do people think that can turn old into new just with firmware 2013 unit ….. 10 years old 2016 end of support ……. 7 years ago D1/cif recording waste of time with modern cameras
  12. Hi. What type of cable is going to your camera is it coax with power or cat5 with baluns ? in your picture you have 5 wires twist the two reds together twist the two blacks together the two reds are + power the two blacks are - power the yellow is video
  13. tomcctv

    Upgrade on Samsung STD-1694?

    Hi. IP systems and HD analog are now both on the same level performance infact HD analog is now getting better than IP yes you can update but you will need to swap out the dvr to something like a 5 in 1 hybrid dvr 5mp and you only need to change the cameras you need to upgrade and change over time as a new dvr will except old and new cameras you will also have a better system than samsung
  14. Hi …. Yes you should do BUT if you’re talking about a cheap smart camera then it will cost you a fortune…… 4g cameras are a data eater and will cost
  15. Hi how are you splitting the hdmi onto two tvs
  16. tomcctv

    Analog NTSC camera and IR lumination?

    Hi. It depends on the camera your using to use ir with a camera it needs to be day night …. IR only works when your camer switches to black/white a filter either needs to be operated electronically or buy a fixed coated lens
  17. tomcctv

    DVR Recomendations

    Hi the problem with that dvr is it’s very limited ….. and also a short life span with what may happen with hikvision when reading specs on hik always look at limitation specs ….. the one you have listed has a list of functions but it warns you can only use one at a time …. So if you use motion detection (which is a standard setting to use) means you can’t use any other feature I would look at a TVT dvr hybrid much better machine and has one of the best viewing apps made that gives you full control over your system most other apps can’t do that also TVT is fully compliant with NDAA and GDPR ….. hikvision is not compliant with either
  18. Hi I know the cameras very well two lens …. One colour one black/white if your seeing the IR light while in colour then your not in true night mode …. It has to be black/white or IR will not work it does not work in colour Not sure why this is important but no, we are not using the cloud but we are using an SD card. it can make a big difference….. size of sd card also speed of sd card so what type of card are you using if you used the qr code to setup then yes your using the cloud
  19. Hi …… this could be a few things as it looks like a setup problem or faulty camera colour night you should see a white light from the camera …. Your last night image does not show this ….. so might have a faulty light …. What are your night images like with IR on ( should go black/white) also are you using SD card or cloud storage but I will say these ezviz cameras are a waste of time and waste of money …. After your 30 days then monthly costs start to take effect…. With cctv cameras you don’t have monthly costs or have a 3rd party over something you own which country are you in ?
  20. tomcctv

    CS2 noisy

    Hi is this DS2 the dedicated micro dvr ???? we’re are you located
  21. Hi. Yes you use your existing app with your home camera app and add your work camera your work camera your staff only need to load the app and scan the qr code from that camera BUT you need to tell them the information it collects on them …… if I worked for you I would not load that app you have been caught in the buy cheap smart camera market ( it is not cctv) and you will have problems if you need police to have footage as in many countries they will not load any viewing software there is a reason why $40 … 5mp camera is cheap …….. it’s because you sign lots of your personal data away to a 3rd party in China server they even track your mobile phone when away from your home …. They view files on both your phone and pc ….. THAT IS NOT SECURITY https://anransec.com/policies/privacy-policy
  22. hi your problem still exists ….. 14 year old analog unit that takes 420tvl cameras cameras you can’t buy anymore …. For 5 years HD analog is now the norm and they will not work on that unit
  23. Hi q-see closed down 2 years ago …. The company you contacted has only been going a few months 14 years ago q-see we’re rebadged dahua and 2015 dahua removed all there firmware downloads because of spyware…. So your unlikely to find any for a system that’s 14 years old it’s is only a cif unit that takes 420tvl cameras ….. no more app support also if you have already tried a firmware then it will be a brick firmware only goes with the software all ready on recorder….. corrupt the software and no firmware will load
  24. tomcctv

    Log on issue

    Can you post a picture of menu
  25. tomcctv

    Log on issue

    Hi can you post a picture of the menu screen