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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Jasper

    parabolic microphone

    It sounds pretty useful. From what I read into what you said it sounds like you can program a schedule for when the motion sensor is active or not? So it could be used after hours say near a door like you said an snap peoples pictures. I am surprised I have not been able to locate a PDF file or something on their web site that gives this information. I am getting more informed by you than I am their site. Do you have a picture(s) that you can post so we can take a look at it? If you don’t know how to post one PM me and I can give you my email so I can post it or them for you.
  2. Well I don’t know what DVR you intended to use, but if it was a Geovision or other card capable of scheduling then you could just use one input for the color camera and another one for the Black and white. That way you don’t need a 12x12â€
  3. Jasper

    parabolic microphone

    Those look like some nice cameras for your purpose. Won’t the flash give away their position though? I see there is a 6 volt solar panel available for those rechargeable batteries are you using those? If not you might want to consider them so you don’t have to worry about the battery going dead. Those 6 volt batteries probably last a long time though. How many pictures can you get on one card? Not much information on their web site about them.
  4. Jasper

    parabolic microphone

    Good for you. Persitence pays off. Sounds like some of their buddys are the ones doing the firing. Keep us posted. Sounds like it has been quite a ride.
  5. Just saw this on the news. People are absolutely crazy. The worker chased this guy out of the store with the guy holding a lit torch. Then they fought out in the parking lot a little bit. Anybody find video links post them for others to see. Hope they catch this guy so we can find out why the blow torch. Did he rip that off from another store. Was he a Meth user, so he was using his lighter to rob the place.
  6. Jasper

    IC Realtime

    Welcome to the forum.
  7. Yep your right. I overlooked you orginal post and responded to dsr_80. Sorry, I should have known better.
  8. If you can get 5-7fps per camera that is great. You really don't need any faster than that for most applications. And it can be slower depending on what you are trying to monitor. 30fps with 16 cameras would need a tremendous amount of hard drive space to store a weeks worth of video. And that is with the highest compression available. I am reffering to the GeoVison card in this example.
  9. It is on this page I believe: Page of IR: http://vipcctv.co.uk/home.php?p0=Products&p1=512&p2=180
  10. He bought the UF300. See the text above the picture. Looks great. Very much the desired result.
  11. You own that card. You should know better than that. The DSP is on the back of the GeoVison card, not on the back of the video card. Lost in Translation maybe
  12. Jasper

    Disable Geo Blinking Eyes

    Can you make the eyes more feminine looking with big eye lashes and make them blink slower. Only kidding of course. Thanks Rory. You did away with my bwinking eyes a long time ago.
  13. Jasper

    principles of cctv systems

    Rory or one of the other members might be able to host them for you on one of their servers. Welcome to the forum and enjoy taking a look around.
  14. Did you do a search on the forum? I know something about hard disk expansion has been dicussed before.
  15. Jasper

    Here's another one

    Mongo Strong - Will Mongo come back from Congo? Just kidding. Strong first post.
  16. Jasper

    Keep getting problems

    Yeah, I hear you. I hate intermittent problems. They are the hardest to troubleshoot.
  17. Jasper

    Installing DVR in a safe

    He can use an Active USB cables and extend the hard drive(s) far away from the DVR. That would solve the problem with costs of destroying a safe and any extra money wasted in that scenario. Active USB cable to a hard drive my be right for you.
  18. Jasper

    Installing DVR in a safe

    Is that what this was? Well just secure the hard drive away from the DVR. Then you don't have to worry about losing the recorded data. And the VCR trick is sounding better and better all the time.
  19. Jasper

    Installing DVR in a safe

    DVR's get hot. Even Standalone units I would imagine. No doublt about PC DVR's. You've got the power supply producing heat, Intel Based CPU get extremely hot, Hard drives also and Video card all contribute to the majority of the heat. You could use water cooling to keep the critical components like the CPU, Hard drives and Video card chips cool. Put the cooler on the outside of the safe to keep the water cool. Then just ventilate the safe well so the DVR can pull air in an exhasut air back out. You will need ventilation even if you use a water cooler. Capacitors easily fail when they get overheated. The DVR can still get wet, damged by smoke or fire, but more than likely data off the hard drive(s) will be recoverable.
  20. OK. After rereading everything I understand the principle, but it sounds like the size of the components alone would make for a pretty good size panel. Definately would like to see some photos of this when you get a chance.
  21. Jasper

    Installing DVR in a safe

    Very good point. The whole setup is not real helpful if it is not thought out correctly and implemented. Many times budget constraints mess people up and that is where prioritizing comes in. I need to run to the store and get a paint gun and drag out some of my heavy dark clothing so I can go get some money to do this project A litlte canister of heilum with a tube into my mouth while I talk will disguise my voice. I want to do right.
  22. Jasper

    Installing DVR in a safe

    I think you just did. You trying to kill your own business or what. They still have to be a good shot. I think the Moderator should delete that.
  23. Jasper

    Installing DVR in a safe

    It sounds like you want to protect the DVR more than valuables or against smoke damage. As long as the thing is bolted down and secure drill some ventilation holes it in and the holes required for the cabling. You just want to prevent someone from getting at the DVR basically, right? Your not trying to protect it from fire or smoke also are you?
  24. Hey. I had just woke up from my nap. I'll review what you just said again, before I kill you anymore.
  25. I believe some type of inverter would be in order. Sounds like a nice project. The ice cube tray sounds kind of funky, but I haven't see the whole thing so can't really say. Your previous experience in builiding panels and electronics background I imagine is a great assest in this business. Love to see a diagram or schematic of this.