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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Jasper

    Installing DVR in a safe

    After rereading your post I can see it is a home built safe that is why I made that comment. The guns safes I see are $5000 dollars or more. That's a lot of money to spend to guard a DVR and risk your other valuables that would be inside. In your situation it seems like a good idea.
  2. DSP - A DSP is a microprocessor designed to work with analog signals such as video or audio that have been digitally encoded. The DSP is an RCA output on the 1240 cards that allow you to connect to an external CCTV monitor or TV. Gives you better quality display and allows you to display only the security cameras without the software showing up on the screen like you see on the DVR screen. It is a nice feature that comes with that card.
  3. Jasper

    Monitor remote parking lot

    Your funny Julie should have never put an "X" at the end of her name. Now you are asking her what she does for a living. Yeah she knows what she's doing. She got you guys to respond didn't she. No disrespect intended towards you Julie. This just struck me as funny.
  4. If you could have a cheap color cam for the day and another cheap BW for the night it could work. Just would need to figure out how to get the photo cell to trigger a switch of some kind to switch from the color to the BW camera. That way you don’t need to build a housing. Just use two separate cameras. Extra wiring and stuff but still cheaper than what you would have to spend on a good Day/Night Camera.
  5. I don't know for sure. I never cut the cable like you wanted me too, to check it out. It was advertised as RG59 95% copper braid siameese calbe? You know where I got it from so you probably know what type it is, although they have two types of the thin type. One might be the RCA stuff and the other one is the stuff I bought. I don't know. All I know is the stuff was really thin and I wouldn't pull it around any corner or over any raw wood. So was it the same stuff I bought that turned out to be plain RCA cable?
  6. Well if that is the case the Provideo would be a better choice. I thought the specs on the Provideo was like .05, but I keep seeing it quoted as 0 because of the IR on it. It seems like the Provideo performs ok in low light. I have a .05 BW camera here that is washed out during the day so I use a color, then swtich on the BW at night. That's my Day/Night camera.
  7. It is around. It has its uses, but not for a professional job. I bought some awhile back. Ended up buying the better siameese cable. Glad I did because that thin stuff would not pull well and was just generally cheap. Which is what I paid for it so I wasn't too suprised.
  8. I like that Provideo camera, but I can see the difference with the Exview chip. Also anything lower than a .05 lux is going to give you really good performance in really low light. .02 is excellent. You just can't beat a BW camera for low light situations.
  9. Jasper

    Installing DVR in a safe

    Does everybody have empty gun safes or what?
  10. Jasper

    Installing DVR in a safe

    No. I personally think the whole thing is a joke.
  11. Jasper

    Installing DVR in a safe

    DVR in a gun safe, in this case is not a good idea. It can be done, but what kind of budget do you have to accomplish your goals?
  12. Jasper


    Too each his own. I'd rather watch Smallville.
  13. Jasper

    Mace Cam 68 Correction

    Yep. It looks better. Clearer and better color from what I remember.
  14. Jasper


    How did you know I watched it last night. Yeah I saw one of them is in jail for forgery. Yes I did like OZ. Tried to pass it by while flipping, but would always stop. Good show. Also like the Sopranos. And even Jerry Springer. I would watch it for awhile until I got tired of all the fighting and them watch it again after some time had passed. Thats a great show to watch when you start feeling a little blue because when you see those people you realize how great you have it. Who's dead, not Jerry Springer Oh, sarcasm. What Rory he isn't on there anymore. He is still on here.
  15. Jasper

    Mace Cam 68 Correction

    Post some new day shots when you get a chance also.
  16. Jasper


    I watched the first season of LOST, but come on stop dragging it out. Same with Prison Break. Break out already. I need to have an ending. Thats why I don't watch 24 anymore. I wait until the whole season is done then watch it all at once. It is an intense show. AMERICAN IDOL - Your right, I get a kick out of all the nut jobs that really think they can sing. Or they are so over confident you can't wait to see them get booted.
  17. Jasper


    That is how I feel also, but we seem to be in the minority.
  18. Jasper

    Access and Alarm

    This thread is almost a year old. I would think the problem has been resolved by now. I have done the same thing before though.
  19. Jasper

    Can I copy all Drivers?

    Yep you can do it for free. You just reinstall the drivers. Seriously if you find one for free, let us know. The one I recommended it well worth it though because it will keep all your drivers up to date and makes it very easy to back up your drivers. It will even make self xtracting exuctable files for easy install of the drivers. Anyway, happy hunting..
  20. That is a weird one. Let us know what you find. I can't imagine someone setting that up to ring at those times. Did the doorbell ever ring when the camera was still operating. Like someone hooked it up to ring the bell when the camera saw something? I don't know. Very strange. If it wasn't for the specific times I would have guessed you have an intermittent short causing the door bell to ring. Let us know. Very interesting. I put some plywood in my attic and accidentally put it on top of the doorbell wires, so when I would walk around up there my doorbell would ring when stepping on that area. My dog would go nuts. I came down out of tha attic a few times thinking the kids where playing doorbell ditch before I figured out what was going on.
  21. Jasper

    Can I copy all Drivers?

    There is a program called Driver Genius Pro that will allow you to do this, but of course it isn't free, but it works great for backing up all your drivers. http://www.driver-soft.com/ 29.95
  22. Jasper

    Saturdays install

    Last time I checked that was the case, but I found this link that indicates several deaths related to the use of TASER. http://www.ainfos.ca/en/ainfos17582.html There are several other links as well. TASER International increased the strength of their TASERS some years back which I think is causing more of these deaths to occur. Death after TASER: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/specials/tasers/deaths.shtml Pepper spray and TASER does not seem to be a good combination. Or multiple shocks from the TASER.
  23. Jasper

    Saturdays install

    Oh. I have used MACE successfully with Dogsl. That is usually what I carry when going around a large dangerous dog. I have seen pit bulls shot on TV by the police and they didn't stop on the first shot. They had to be shot again. The MACE just allows you to get away. The stronger mixtures probably would?
  24. Jasper

    Saturdays install

    Same here in California. Hard to get permits unless you know someone. I have had good luck with TASERS. If you miss though your in real trouble. You need to get both darts in them. But it stops them. Works a lot better on a person though. People drop real quick. No permit required yet. At least last time I checked though. Many people have been abusing them so I don't know what the current status is here in CA?
  25. Jasper

    Aimgene Bio Products

    Nope. But I would research how really effective it is before I bought one. I know fingerprint readers used to be easily defeated. Don't know if that is the case anymore?