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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Jasper

    Thoughts about this camera

    If you can post a link to the manufactures website that is usually best. Or find a site that carrys that same camera, but at a more expensive (retail) price as wholesale pricing being posted hurts those trying to earn a living at selling camera's and/or service. Many people seeing these wholesale prices think that they are being ripped off when someone in the business quotes them a higher price. Everybody has to make a living and if you didn't have some type of markup on the product your selling, what is the sense of being in business. Many of these companies that sell things cheaply offer little or no support as they are dealing in selling volume. Anyway, this has been stated before and probably better than I just did, but that is main reason.
  2. Jasper

    Car write off :(

    That really sucks. Hope your brother didn't get hurt? Sorry Rory, like you really needed that to happen right now.
  3. Jasper

    Prisoner's Paradise

    Sound like something our Congress here in the states would come up with.
  4. Jasper

    forum problems

    There are apparently photos in the thread below. I am unable to see any, just text? What could be causing that? http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=45179#45179
  5. Welcome to the forum. You can learn a great deal about CCTV right here by reading through previous posts and doing searches on material that interests you. CCTV education has been discussed in previous threads. You just need to do some searching in order to find it.
  6. Jasper

    Phone line based video setup?

    Yeah it reminds me of salesman BS! Your system is by far a superior solution. This Salesman probably never even heard of Geovision or he wouldn't have even dared to make such a claim. I wouldn't think another minute about it. You have a nice system that can grow with your needs.
  7. Jasper

    backlight problem

    Rick, your link doesn't work for me. I get prompted to install a Korean character set, which I am unable to do because I don't have the I386 directory where this information is stored on most peoples computers. Is there another link? Anyone else having this issue? This is what I get.
  8. Jasper

    Geovision Control Centre

    Didn't Control Center appear in the full version of 8.0? I have it. It must install with the main Geo Software? I have a full version of 8 I can upload if anybody needs it? If that is the solution? I have never tried running it so I don't know anything about it. Anyway, just trying to help. Oh, it's just the server for it built into the program I have. You guys are looking for the client? Which I have never seen.
  9. I pefer it myself also. It takes the load off the CPU and provides better picture quality. I have a computer dedicated to behave like a TIVO unit. It uses hardware compression and provides much better quality video then using a software based ATI capture card.
  10. Jasper

    Newbie VNC setup

    Don't know? You haven't specified any other information regarding what the card or system is that you have so someone can help you. Need more information, then maybe someone can help.
  11. Jasper

    Newbie VNC setup

    VNC is really designed for remote control of a computer system. It will not display the high quality graphics needed to view your cameras correctly.
  12. Jasper

    What are the best covert or indoor cameras?

    Here is a link to an earlier thread where we discussed using small covert cameras. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=4281
  13. Jasper

    live audio monitoring

    Yes you should be able to listen to it locally. Unless they did something new in version 8 to change this you should be able to hear everything locally at the DVR.
  14. Jasper

    Geovision 800 dvr card dead fired ??

    Click Start, all programs, navigate to the icon that starts the Geovision system, right click, select copy. Then navigate to the startup folder under all programs (same as above), then right click on startup folder, then choose open all users. The folder will open and you can now choose to paste the shortcut you copied earlier into the folder. Upon rebooting the computer (logging off/loggin on) Geovision will startup automatically. Hope this helps.
  15. Yes. Your right. Encoders for video are needed whether hardware or software based. There are several types of Mpeg4 encoding methods though. Hope this helps.
  16. Jasper

    Version 8 issues

    Yep. I am back to 640x480 because of pixelation and the extra storage demands for the little higher resolution images. 640x480 look more natural anyway. I am recording in H.264, but now without the bandwidth being such a limitation as before I can switch back to straight mpeg4 again. I thought that was the best for the storage used. I will avoid the above resolutions if I use the H.264. Thanks for the info.
  17. Jasper

    Maleria Outbreak

    Well that is good to know. Glad to know it isn't bad as I thought.
  18. I ordered a Trango 900mhz Point to Point setup where the building are probably 1 mile apart. I am getting a little over 11mbps. Is that good? The installer orginally told me 35-45mbps. Just wondering what the opinions are out there on this speed for a non line of site transmission speed. Have a Asymetrical 1.2mbps Internet connection and the Point to Point. The point to point is nice. Just want it faster althouth the video is pretty good for just 4 cameras on this DVR. That should be enough for 8 cameras streaming 640x480 or > video I would think?
  19. Jasper


    Wireless Network then. Point to Point Wirless network I guess. What's the Point to Point with no bandwidth? Everything has to be able to utilize some type of bandwidth? I know it is the way to go if you are close enough
  20. Jasper


    The point to point is realtime video at 11mbps speed. The internet is 1.2mbps upload speed, 3x faster then it was. 250kbps or 250KBps? 250kbps is slower than the 384kbps I had. I thought his connection was faster? Same place? New Place? Anyway the Trango in combination with some custom built stuff provided a nice point to point solution for the bar out here. They have 2.1 up/down also. I was thinking of upping th speed, but it is really only for me as they have true realtime now. I use CenterV2 almost exclusively with masking for monitoring their place. Everytime cash register is messed with or whenever someone comes in or leaves, etc.
  21. I would avoid AGP on a new purchase and go with PCI Express. If you have an existing AGP motherboard your going to use than an ATI 9800 PRO will work and others as well. Basically anything from them as powerful or more powerful than an ATI 9550 if I remember correctly.
  22. Jasper

    Woman Sues Over Nanny Cam Footage

    Yep. It is easy to see the time lapse is really projecting the images of abuse, just because of the low frame rate that makes it look that way. They need a higher frame rate or they'll think everybody is trying to shake their baby to death.
  23. Jasper

    Maleria Outbreak

    We have the West Nile Virus in the Centeral Valley of California.
  24. Jasper

    Geovision Price Index

    Everything to do with everything other than the DVR is where the experience and true tweaking come in handy. The DVR is what you concentrate on in the beginning. The many aspects of choosing, placing and adjusting cameras is the most challenging and requires much study. You just can't beat experience. This siste is a very end user friendly site. I appreciate all that I have learned here as there is much to learn. The more you learn the more you learn you don't know. Anyway, my .02 cents worth.