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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. That's great. That's the type of installs I like. Now this was an image that was taken from a computer with totally different motherboard etc.? So basically you just didn't install the display drivers or the sound drivers everything else was okay. Just curious what image software did you use?
  2. Jasper

    Geo Skinz

    The combo cards haven't even been around that long so you should be OK.
  3. Oh, that's what I thought, but wasn't sure. I wonder if you can download the common updates for security and put them on a CD to save you some more time on the other installs?
  4. Finally the answer to the question. Thanks Thomas.
  5. I think he is just talking about the initial install only. Once I have my drive imaged with the tweaks done it takes me 15 minutes to put it back to a pristine state. On the DVR. My personal computer that is another story. No time limit on how long that would take to put everything back after a clean install.
  6. Yeah I guess I would want everything to be automated too if it took me 6 hours to install windows. Maybe it is time to upgrade those computers if it takes that long. That sounds like way too much time. I would definitely be searching the web then for as much as you can to help simplify the process. 6 hours? Whew.
  7. Here I did the search on Google for you: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=slipstreaming+windows+xp+and+service+pack+2 And I think you are going to have to sit there and go through the installation process. It's not that bad. I think it might be a good experience for you to get familar with the process. This thread has set a new record for replies in this section of the forum.
  8. Jasper

    battery backup ups

    Well if their that cheap I guess they have to make a little money somewhere. It sounds like your set then.
  9. Jasper

    Couple of Questions

    I don't ever see them listing the type of motherboard they use. I know they have them customized for their machines, that is probably why they don't want you to know which vendor they use. They don’t want you to buy directly from some other company that sells motherboards.
  10. The slipstream is just a fancy name for combining Windows with Service Pack 2. That's all it is. Definition of: slipstream To fix a bug or add enhancements to software without identifying such inclusions by creating a new version number. As far as the scripting you are going to have to research that part yourself as there are many options and I usually do it manually myself. Unless you do the script perfect it will pause and be waiting for a response.
  11. Jasper

    battery backup ups

    Well you answered your own question then. I just don't know how good those power supplies that come with your cameras are. I would check each one with a multi-meter if you have one available. Would you be buying the power box from somebody that participates in the forum?
  12. The slipstream will contain Windows XP with Service Pack 2 together. After installing you will have a nice clean install. You then can download all of the security updates since Service Pack 2 came out or let windows do it for you. That way the person who owns the computer can restart the computer or turn if off and the updates will be applied at that time. This is the way to go if they have a slow interent connection. Let them wait for the downloads.
  13. Jasper

    battery backup ups

    If you want cheap then use a power strip and plug the power cords for each camera into it and then the power stirp into the back of the UPS. If each camera come with its own power supply. Otherwise it is just as cheap or cheaper to buy an inexpensive power box, which looks better and is more professional looking. Not to mention the box will have fused power connections giving you another layer of protection for your cameras.
  14. It's like Thomas said. Windows will create a unique indentifier which consists of your Machine Address Code on your network card and your CPU and I don't recall off hand what else. Oh I am sure there is a way to do it. I just haven't researched on how to do it. But if you search Google I am sure you will find something. Unless these computers are really slow an install should go fairly quickly if the install files are located on the hard drive. You can delete device drivers and such, but if your spending that much time you might as well just do a clean install without having to worry about something you forgot that can cause a conflict of some type by the time your done. I have done it and got away with it, but it is really not the best and safest way to do it.
  15. The more I think about this imaging idea the more I don't like it because there are too many variables involved. Unless you put a copy of the windows install on the hard drive to allow for a speedy install. Then it can go through the proper steps of loading the proper drivers and so forth. The scripted install would be the best way I think, if you don't want to sit there and watch the install.
  16. That looks like a nice system. I will have to check out that motherboard because it would allow me to use my current AGP card. I have an expensive AGP card I would like to reuse. I think your right about getting a 939 chip. I'll wait for the next price drop and probably get an X2 3800+ and possibly over clock it. I have seen this chip perform close to the 4800+ over clocked. I have an Intel P4 2.53Ghz. Just don’t know how much difference I would notice with the 3800X2 processor. Probably notice more from the faster hard disk then most of the stuff I do. Except for Video encoding and editing. I imagine that is where I would notice the biggest difference.
  17. I am starting to hesitate now because AMD just announced the end of the socket 939 CPUs. The next chips released will be for the new M2 socket. I found one motherboard that will accept a 939 CPU and allows for a daughter card to be installed later for the M2 CPU’s insuring an upgrade path for the motherboard. It also allows you to run an AGP card or a PCI express video card. What CPU did you opt for?
  18. Jasper


    5 GHz Project: CPU Cooling With Liquid Nitrogen http://www.tomshardware.com/2003/12/30/5_ghz_project/ Must get real expensive to keep this baby cool. Here is the link to the video you can download of them pouring the liquid nitorgen into the tube leading to the CPU. http://www12.tomshardware.com/images/thg_video_11_5ghz.zip
  19. Jasper

    Kentucky Fried Criplin

    Acutally I can handle veggies if they are steamed. I will have to give it a try again. Everybody I ever met that ate a lot of veggies was very healty.
  20. Jasper

    Couple of Questions

    I think it is the AMD motherboards that usually have the VIA chipsets. You could always call them if your not sure. I tried looking up that information using the Dell Asset tag recently, but it didn't give me that level of information. Might be there somewhere, but I gave up.
  21. Jasper

    battery backup ups

    If you buy a power distribution box you can plug it into the UPS, no problem. Or you can plug a power strip into the UPS and plug the camera power supply into the power strip. Don’t know if this is code or not but it works.
  22. Jasper

    battery backup ups

    I measure the voltage using a multi-meter and see if the voltage is correct and make sure it is not fluctuating. Some of the transformers you get may not be regulated which will allow wide ranges of voltage which is not good.
  23. I don't build PC's for a living either. I have built them and I can build them, but I don't want to build them. I usually build them if I want an exact mix of parts, but some companies are doing this now for you. I spend much more time than 6 hours studying on what I want to get then I have somebody else build it. I like PC builders that allow you to customize every aspect of your system. I have been looking at Monarch computers as they appear to do this, but am considering other companies as well. This is for my next personal system. Think I am going AMD this time.
  24. You need to have an internet connection to activate if you don't call microsoft or it will expire in 30 days I believe, maybe less. Can't remember the exact number of days you get. I've been up all night so I am losing it. Got the CRS disease coming on strong.
  25. No. They don't care who you are. They just want that number and that's it. I have had to call 2-3 times in a month on one computer before. No problem. They know I have just changed the hardware so much I have tripped the reactivation process.