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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. I'm not an old-timer but you're right about how the recycle works. Except it except it won't stop recording. If your hard drive fills up before the 30 day time limit GEO will begin overriding the earliest video first and progressing on. It's just a feature that gives you more flexibility but you probably won't need to worry about your recycle time and less you set it significantly lower than 30 days.
  2. I think it just gets frustrating sometimes when you're in the business of selling the hardware that somebody has bought from somebody else and obviously seems to have no support from the seller then they come here asking for support. Then you get a question that is easily answered if you just take time to read that section of the manual which is like a one-page. I think people should at least read the manual before asking a question. I could see if they didn't understand something of the manual and they're asking for clarification. Anyway enough for that.
  3. Jasper

    Where to get Geovision USB Dongle

    Have you search Google thoroughly? What happened to the original USB dongle? The place you bought it from can't get you a dongle? I think Scott could have helped you but the $10 remark probably didn't help.
  4. I think you're making this much harder than it needs to be. You simply use ghost or true image to backup a partition and restore onto the new hard drive. I am not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish. If you plan on building systems and you quickly want to install Windows you just need a slipstreamed copy of Windows XP service pack two copied onto a hard drive. You don't need any special software to perform a slipstream. Once you've installed Windows you can image the drive and then restore the image to as many drives as you wish. I do this with true image but you can use ghost and accomplish the same thing. Everything I need fits on one DVD and I can install this image on any new hard drive in a very short period of time. You can find information on how to do this on Microsoft's web site it's very easy to do. If this is a hard drive from a DVR that has had little change since its installation you simply image the drive and restore the image to the new hard drive. I guess I do not have a clear picture of exactly what you want to do. Seems your concerned about the motherboard or something?
  5. Jasper

    Kentucky Fried Criplin

    I admire you for your ability to be a vegan. Anybody that has that amount of self-discipline deserves to be commended. I on the other hand do have to eat meat. It's hard enough for me to avoid sugar let alone meet. Jack in the box tacos are always good for compromise.
  6. Jasper

    battery backup ups

    Here is a link to a thread that talks about UPS's in depth. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=2387&highlight=apc
  7. I know I saw a thread that discussed this recently. You might want to do a search and see what you can find.
  8. You can do it through the Adminstrative Menu in Windows XP under Computer Management. Lets say your orginal partition that you backed up was 40GG. When you restore it to a new drive, lets say 250GB drive. A new partition of the new drive will be created for the 40GB partition and the rest of the space will show as unused. You can than create additional partitions for the new drive after the partition that was created when restored your image to the new drive. To resize partitions I used Partition Magic 8. You can resize them even with data on them as long as you have enough space free to enlarge or shrink them. I personally like Acronis True Image 9.0 for imaging drives. It is very user friendly and it allows you to mount disk images as drives for easy restoring of individual files if you would like. Plus it is very fast.
  9. Jasper

    Kentucky Fried Criplin

    Oh. I thought it had to do with filth in your food. Unfortunately after taking time to view the video I can see that's not the case. I take back my KFC here I come comment. This kind of cruelty goes beyond just saving money for the humane treatment of animals. Intentional cruelty towards animals or human beings is evil as far as I'm concerned. Animals slaughtered for food are thought of as product and not given any consideration for the pain and suffering they must endure to end up on our plate.
  10. Jasper


    For people who don't know which Bay Area he is talking about this would be the San Francisco Bay Area in the United States. People from all over the world on here. I recognized the number otherwise I would not have known what Bay Area you were talking about either.
  11. This is not the program that is specified in the manual, but it will work. Read throught this website: http://www.no-ip.com/ The good thing about no-ip is that it will work even if the DVR software is not loaded. Enabling you to remotely administer the DVR if necessary. On the PDA stuff, read the manual or search the forum as it has been discussed before.
  12. No. Long as the new hard drive is the same size or larger then the one you took the image of. If the new one is bigger than it will create a parition will the image of the old drive on it leaving the extra space. You can then make a new partition with the additional space or resize the partition.
  13. Jasper

    3 beeps and then 2 beeps

    Everybody was in a rush to help you out Rory. I was looking for some date in the posts. I didn't realize I was involved in a train wreck.
  14. Jasper

    Kentucky Fried Criplin

    I am not looking. What I don't know doesn't hurt me. I want to eat my chicken without thinking what might be in that video. KFC here I come.
  15. Jasper

    3 beeps and then 2 beeps

    Yeah that's what I thought. Sounds like a memory problem if it's not the video card. Your link to the beep chart is a good one.
  16. Jasper

    3 beeps and then 2 beeps

    Dell should have an ASSET tag on it to allow you to find out the exact configuration of the computer when it was sold. But if were talking pieces, then you would need the brand and version of the BIOS to figure out exactly what those particular beeps are. What do you know about the system?
  17. I have a GeoVision system that utilizes a DSL connection which is far too slow. The client computer is roughly a quarter of a mile to a half-mile away from the DVR. Almost line of sight with the exception of some trees. Is there a cost effective solution that would work with the GeoVision software to allow fast transmission of video to a receiving unit hooked up to the client computer? I recall a discussion like this but have been unable to locate it. Any help would be appreciated,
  18. Jasper

    GeoVision on a Laptop???

    It has to be USB 2.0. I can't imagine somone selling such a product for version USB ver 1.1. I would hope not anyway.
  19. Okay I was thinking maybe a Cray. A good SATA usually has a 16 MB buffer. The new Western Digital 400 GB SATA as a top performer now for 7200 Rpm Drive. Prior to that it was the 500 GB Hitachi. The Hitachi gets very hot though I would not buy another one. I like those raptors but you still have to pay a pretty hefty premium.
  20. Jasper

    4 camera shots

    I do remember seeing a post of picture of the Panasonic before and it looked good. That picture really doesn't do it justice. The night shots of that camera that you posted before looked good. Maybe you can post another picture of it when you think it looks better.
  21. Jasper

    Is the Geovision output cable RCA or BNC?

    Yes. There are a lot of features. That is why I like Geo also. You might not need many of the features, but they will be available for you when you need them. Youd didn't see that card on Ebay per chance did you? I don't see that card listed on GEO's web site, but I guess it must exist because I see it advertised a lot. I like the new combo boards like GV-1120, 1240, 1480. But if you don't need audio, real time display and DSP output the older models are fine.
  22. Don't you have software that came with the DVR for this purpose? Also you can use Real VNC which is a free to remotely access your PC, but it isn't for watching video.
  23. Welcome to the forum. Curious, what would be your specs for the Super Computer?
  24. Jasper

    SO Many Different Brands

    Research, research, research.
  25. Jasper

    4 camera shots

    Some bigger pictures would be better to see the differences. I must be getting old or blind, maybe both.