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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. If it is a CRT nope. The phosphorus has been burned into the tube. You would need to replace the tube. The chassis board would still be ok, but with the prices today it's better to just replace the monitor.
  2. Jasper

    Have you guys seen this? Oh my Gosh!

    They should have just let him out right away, knowing they could trap him like they eventually would. They got their butts kicked for nothing. All those people couldn't stop that guy.
  3. Most of the better video cards have the DVI input. LCD burn in? CRT's get burned in images easily if the image doesn't change much. I guess I haven't left an LCD running long enough to see a burn in, but I also use a screen saver no matter what I am using now.
  4. Jasper

    Have you guys seen this? Oh my Gosh!

    Depends on the State, but most will give a permit for a concealed weapon. Especially for Jewlers. Gun Control doesn't work. Only the criminals would have them then.
  5. Jasper

    Have you guys seen this? Oh my Gosh!

    That guy would have got his brains blown out here. Wouldn't be any talking. That was funny how they finally let him out and he still got trapped like a sitting duck between the two doors. Just waiting for the police to come an arrest him. They should have done that sooner. Most jewlers I know all have guns.
  6. The GV-1120, GV-1240 and GV-1480 are all new hardware. They are combo cards. They do video, audio and have a video DSP output. Regardless of the recording frame rate the local display will be real-time whereas the older cards are not. They are very cost effective if you like all those features.
  7. Jasper

    Camera shots. Lets all pitch in!

    Here is a Snap Shot taken remotely of a Sanyo Day/Night VCD1184VA Surface Mount Dome Camera. Just installed it last night. This a 640x480 resolution from GeoVision 1240-8 Card. And of course it is in a Bar which doesn't have the best lighting conditions. Edit: Made pic smaller for faster loading. (better Focus also)
  8. I bought a Geo vision 1240-8 card and am impressed by all the features it offers. I bought my card before joining the forum. Both Scott and Rory have been very helpful. Scott and Rory both have donated quite a bit of their time in helping me get up and running and answering all my questions. I can only imagine the type of support you would get if you're a paying customer. Scott is very knowledgeable about the products that he sells and I know he would do his best to help you in anyway that he could. I don't know Scott outside of this forum and I have nothing to gain financially by saying what I have said above. It's just the truth.
  9. Jasper

    Weird footage!

    Boooo! Anybody seen Wendy?
  10. Jasper

    Room for Growth!

    I would say it's more important to know the former than the latter. The lady in the sexy dress may get you jobs but you will be hating life if you don't know what you're doing. I would recommend reading as much as you can in these forums. And I would recommend getting some hands-on experience even if you have to buy yourself a security system. I've seen people that have pretended to know what they're doing and watch them squirm as the customer watches them without taking their eyes off of them. If you have the opportunity to get some hands-on experience from someone who is in the field that would be great.
  11. Jasper

    So when yall coming to the bahamas

    If I come to the Bahamas we will have to go to that club. We will have to act crazy so we don't get hurt. So we will have to do a Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder routine. You'll be Richard Pryor and I'll be Gene Wilder. I will walk in with you and I'll say “We bad We badâ€
  12. Jasper

    Bad night.

    That's really sad. We will never know for sure whether he killed them because of the panic button. But that is probably what happened. Somebody in that situation who is a highly agitated already would likely snap at the sound of an external alarm going off. It won’t bring the people back but I hope they catch that guy. Two people lost their lives and for what?
  13. Jasper

    12V distribution

    Sounds like I need to send this box back. I want to be able to put any 12 volt camera on it and not have to worry about it. Yes, it just doesn't make sense to output 13 1/2 volts when it is on a 12 V setting or 15.11 V when it's on a 13 1/2 volts setting. So it's screwed up. Thanks for the input I thought that was the situation. So I'm back shop in for a power supply. Do you have a link or model number of the eclipse power supply that you recommend? I got less than what I paid for
  14. Jasper

    Weird footage!

    It's not in the shadows. It's right up against the glass. The white areas. You can't see an arm that leads up to a shoulder and then an upper body with a head on it? This figure has no legs. Just a torso. I don't know but I can see it clear as day.
  15. Jasper

    Weird footage!

    I have no preconceived notions because I don't know anything about your house. What I do see is the upper torso of a person that appears to be wearing some bulky clothing. Looks like there might be two reflective type stripes on the right sleeve. I know how weird this sounds but that is what I see. It's eerie. It looks like somebody punching the window. Very strange.
  16. Jasper

    12V distribution

    The sticker inside the box does indicate the main fuse is 3.3 amps (It’s rated a 4 amp box?) and the resetable fuses are 1.1 amps each. I didn't realize that these fuses could be tripped and then reset. I'm used to working with normal fuses. After measuring the voltage output I was concerned also. My line of thinking is like yours except that after reading the specifications for an Altronix ALT1224C stating the voltage should be turned up to 13.75vdc when a battery is connected I am still somewhat confused. Do these power boxes put out a little bit more power than what they're rated at? The cameras I am using one this job will run between 12 and 15 V DC or 24 V AC. I guess this box will work for this job but I'm still curious to know if other boxes run at similar voltages. Thank you for the information. That other product you're talking about looks pretty good. You gave a better explanation of what that thing does than what that PDF file did. Is there a PDF or a link you can give me that will give more detailed information and perhaps a better picture of that power distribution box? Never know I might want to try one of them.
  17. Jasper

    Weird footage!

    I can show it to but then it would be like teaching your imagination to see something that you don't think is there. I can't figure out how you guys don't see it. When I look at the window before it breaks about half way up into the right area of the glass I can see what appears to be the outline of a man's head. As the glass is broken it appears like this figure has thrown a right punch into the bottom part of the window. At this point I can clearly see the whole right arm up to the shoulder the person's head and chest. I can see the body slightly ****ed to the left and a left arm that appears to be supporting this figure. It's easy for me to spot because my monitor is 56 inches and because I am gifted that way.
  18. Jasper

    12V distribution

    Below is a photo of what the power supply looks like. At the 12 volt setting it outputs 13.55 volts and on the 13 1/2 volt setting it outputs 15.11 volts. It is rated at four amps. It is half the price of the name brand units, but not if I have to do a service call the first time a fuse(s) blows. What type of power distribution units are you using?
  19. Jasper

    12V distribution

    I just bought a new 12vdc power distribution box which I am thinking about returning. The reason is because it uses the soldered type of fuses rather than standard in-line fuse. Plus there is no potentiometer to adjust the voltage. The thought of having to replace a fuse by soldering it on a circuit board is not a pleasant thought. I can do it but it's a pain in the neck not to mention you have to turn off the whole power supply in order to service the circuit board. I am wondering if I should send this unit back and perhaps buy another power distribution box that uses standard fuses and allows for voltage adjustments.
  20. Jasper

    Light Meters

    The Lux rating is not a guarantee of a good picture. That rating is usually indicative of how much light at camera needs to register an image. If you have a digital camera you can take a picture of the area that will be covered by the cameras with the flash off and get an idea of how much usable light there is. If you specify the exact model of the camera there are a lot of people here that can probably give you feedback on that particular model. Hope this helps.
  21. I hope he did get a camera and the IR working better. It would really be nice to see some after photos. Can you let us know where you're with this project? It would be nice to see that same area that you showed in the initial photographs looking a whole lot better. Anyway I hope all is going well.
  22. Potcake - A "potcake" is the Bahamian term for the thick, congealed food that remains in the bottom of a pot of peas and rice after several reheatings. Traditionally, Bahamians feed potcake to the outdoor, indigenous dogs that freely populate the Bahamas. Hence the dogs have come to be known as Potcakes, with a capital P. source snip I thought you were talking about something to do with Betty Crocker. OK, now I have learned what a Potcake is.
  23. Yes he's quite the programmer. I have had no blinking eyes for a while thanks to Rory. Not to mention his interface is a lot better looking than the current one. And his remote viewer looks better and works better than the one that is supplied with the Geo. Maybe they should give them a job.
  24. Jasper

    Weird footage!

    My imagination must be working overtime. Before the glass breaks I can see an image in the lower left part of the screen that looks like the outline of a human being. Right after the glass breaks I can still see that same outline but now it looks like the part that might have been the fist came down into the window. Very weird footage. Maybe you have a poltergeist.