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  1. Shek, Thanks guys, It seems we are all focussing in the same area so may be that is it. I have 2 alternative psu to try this next day. But if anyone can point me in the right direction for tech info or circuit diag I will be happy. many thanks shek
  2. shek replies Thanks Squify, thanks Scorpion. I can confirm that it is a Multiplexer (16 way) AVC 706- ancient I know, but it used to behave better. I am keen to get the soldering iron to it but, without manual or any literature or circ diagram, I might spend more time on it than it deserves. but I will be looking at any shorts on the external psu side first. After 2 days as a member I am impressed and greatfull for the response. All ideas are welcome. thanks Shek
  3. This one is for the veterans... subject: AVITECH AVC 706 multiplexer, I would be greatful if anyone can tell me, why the MPX powers up and shuts down when it wants to. A high pitch audio tone sounds continually and all indicator lights remain off. switching off and on restores the machine, only to watch it do the same again. shek.
  4. shek


    HI everyone my name is Shek, based in south london UK, I hope to learn all I can from you and promise to be generous and open with any knowledge I have. regards Shek