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Everything posted by VeotronTech

  1. VeotronTech

    Same Old Story....Kodicom Center Issues

    Dear, If you are sure that all the settings are correct on your router and on your DVR firewall, and all the passwords are correct, the only thing I would investigate in is your ISP. they might have blocked some ports. Zach
  2. Dear, I had the same exact question when I found out that there is a 5.2 Ver. Downloaded it and installed: 1- I couldn't find any IP camera integration section. 2- The colors and the Layout is really unpleasant "The Red" 3- Couldn't use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F4 to quit the application 4- Remote Client Still doesn't work under Vista I hope this answers your question. Zach
  3. VeotronTech

    Kodicom WebDVR

    1-Router port forwarding 80, 8080 through 8090 Recommended settings is to port forward those ports to the DVR and its also to recommended to put a static internal IP on the DVR just in case. always pay attention to the Router Remote Management Port (can't be 80,8080-8090) in some scenarios using DMZ as a final resort "not recommended" 2-Software Firewall on the DVR Kodicom software automatically adds the exceptions in the firewall settings, you only need to allow the H T T P port. 3-ISP Port blockage "Which has always been tricky part" Always Google your ISP for Blocked ports. if thats the case then few steps has to be taken to work around that. I have gotten WebDVR to work on at least 200 DVRs all around the 50 States on all kinds of different ISPs. Let me know if this is your case, so I can better help you. Zach
  4. VeotronTech

    Kodicom 4400 TV-out issue

    Its True with the Kodicom 4400 it only allows 1 Camera switching on the TV-Out. But you can always use a Quad processor to solve the problem. At least this is what we do. Zach Mustafa