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Everything posted by wozzzzza

  1. looking at this camera now, anyone got this camera and can tell me if its any good or not?? http://samsungcctv.com.au/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=17&review=write
  2. got it, cast alloy casing, nice solid mounting, solid looking, locks are good, adjustments are good, works pretty good. im happy so far.
  3. looking at getting this camera, AU$345 http://www.cctvguy.com.au/store/37-kce8845-high-quality-560tvl45led2812-vari-focal-lens-in-outdoor.html anyone know if its anygood or cheap crap? been told this one below is cheap crap with a high price tag of $399, can anyone confirm? [edit by mod-store link removed] what one would you get and why? if neither, what would you recommend? i need one for night viewing of about 25 metres and a pretty wide angle of about 2.8mm
  4. i just ordered it, will see how it goes, it has a 2 year warranty.
  5. to stick in a public pool area and needs night vision to see is people are there after dark when they shouldnt be. why?
  6. could anyone recommend any with the same specs that are decent?
  7. didnt think my question was that hard for people in the know. Maybe no one in the know has read it yet.
  8. ^^^^^^^Bump bump bumpetee bump^^^^^^^
  9. whats your thoughts on this DVR from china?? cost $195 for 4 channel unit. http://www.aesun.com.cn/Products_view.asp?id=24 mate of mine has one and says its great, but what you think? has anyone got one and can comment??
  10. wozzzzza

    Decent In Car CCTV System

    how about this for a mobile unit? would this be any good? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230355751592&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  11. expand on this with details.
  12. i tried upgrading my firmware on my SDVR-4000C unit via the network using the software and it seems to have failed. when ever i start the unit it just come sup with the splash screen "DIGITALSI" in large writing on the greyish background and jsut seems to restart all the time. Anyone know how i can fix this??
  13. come on, gotta be someone here with some knowledge with DVR's seeing this is a bloody CCTV forum and CCTV's require DVR's.
  14. i have an avtech av781 4 channel DVR and i have spent almost an hour searching for a manual on it, anyone know where i can find one?? i also need to be able to connect remotely to this DVR, anyone know how it is done?? is there some client software i need? when ever i stick in the IP address of the dvr in my browser it always comes up page not found and that is within the same network. i can ping the dvr no worries.
  15. im trying to work out a plce to mount my DVR for my cctv system and want to know where you all have mounted yours to give me some ideas. i have thought about int he roof space but it might get too hot up there. i want it ot be in a hard to get to place so if anyone breaks into my house they cant find it very easily so i can see who they are when i get home.
  16. im in the middle of working out a cctv system for my house, so youll see m around here a bit looking for info and asking stuff. i have some day/night cameras now, i need an IR illuminator but dont know what sort. i am looking at one, but cant post a link, if you google "allthings Cat Code: IR-ILLUM $99" it is number one. take a look and tell me if you think it is any good or if you know of a better one let me know. i need about a 60degree angle and atleast 30m range. also, whats the difference between 850nm and 940nm? will either work or not?
  17. about 10 years ago i got an IR camera, little one, for $89 and a 80LED IR light for it. it wasnt very good when i had it setup, it was only good for about 5 metres in the dark. I came to the conclusion the IR illiminator was a pile of crap. I have now setup a cctv system in my new house with a box camera, good quality not these piddly $89 crap like i did before and tonight i thought i would just try to see how good this old 80LED IR light did with a good camera so i dug it up out of the shed. i hooked it up to a battery and it blew my mind, it was like i turned on a huge double 150W spot light. I couldnt see anything but the camera sure could, like day light again. Tell ya what i will defiantely be hooking that up as a permanent thing a bit later on.
  18. theres a person at the end of my street who has had the 4 cameras on the front of his house stolen last week i just found out today by people with masks on so couldnt be identified. Anyone here had any of their cameras stolen?? What sort of things have you done to your cameras to prevent them from being stolen??
  19. im from australia, heaters i dont think owuld be necessary as the coldest nights are only about 4 degrees and hottest days about 42 degrees. maybe a fan in summer might be needed?
  20. well what im thinking of doing, tell me if there is something wrong with it, i have one of these cameras im thinking of drilling a large hole the size of the lens in the eaves of the house and mounting the camera in the roof with just the lens sticking through and paint the outside of the lens that protrudes the same colour as eaves. would this work ok?
  21. im thinking of putting 2 sets of twin 12v 80mm computer fans in the top of my roof to help get rid of all the hot air that builds up over summer and suck in cooler air. i will stick one pair down one end of the house and the other at the other. i will have them sitting in low profile chimney type roof vent that has one of those cones over the top to stop water getting in. what you think of this idea? would it work?
  22. wozzzzza

    would this roof ventilator work??

    i had got my idea from here http://www.envirofan.net.au/quad_fans.htm seemed like a good idea at the time, but that solar roof ventilator above doesnt seem to pump any more air out does it?? only would have a small fan in it??
  23. thinking about putting a 90 LED IR illuminator above my front door, do they attract bugs?
  24. who here has a 850nm ir illuminator that attracts bugs? if so how many and what sort?