Thanks for your reply, it was very helpfull, tested the pan and tilt and it is VDC, got it turning and panning on the workbench, once I checked it with a multi-meter, of course. When I originally tried this, I was looking for AC and the common wire and the spike when I connected with a coil (got very strange results, hence the request for help).
After testing, it seems that I only need four of the pins on the seven pin plug, two per movement. I will use two reverse pole six pin toggle switches providing possitive and negative voltage across each pair, this will give me up down left right.
Should point out that when testing I put 12v dc per pair and got movement, so I was lucky and got away with my earlier experiments, whew, close thing, I just assumed all pan and tilts were 24v AC.
I will let you know how I get on. Sould have it built this weekend, once I get the toggle swithes. The computer control sounds interesting, bit of a novice regarding the this, but I am intriqued and I will look into this.