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Everything posted by Rahul1023

  1. I am new to setting up a DVR System and I am need of some help... The specifications are as follows: Asus P4GE-MX Mainboard Antec Aria Case w/300w PSU P4 2.80 Ghz Socket 478 CPU with 533mhz FSB Kodicom 8-Channel DVR Card 4 x White ITP Camera's 2 x 250GB HD's for Video Data Problematic Hardware: ATI Radeon 9550 AGP Video Card w/128MB DDR Memory Ok, here is the problem I have. I need to get TV-Out to a television set but the kodicom card does not have a TV-Out plug. Basically I have all the necessary wiring for it, but I don't have the plug on the computer. So I purchased the ATI Card for that very feature. But, the only way it works is that either I can have video out coming to the TV, or the LCD Screen (connected via VGA Port) I can't seem to get both to work. I did get as far as getting a frozen screen on either the TV or the LCD Screen. But basically I need a TV-Out from this DVR System. That is the only thing left to do. Also, I am using DVRNet Site Software, and if I try to duplicate both outputs to the TV and LCD Monitor, I get an Direct Overlay Error in the software. Which is very odd. Now, I can still return the video card provided theres an alternative way to accomplish what I need, but my spending limit for this is only $100. But I can be flexible for the price. If someone can please help me with finding out how I can do this, I'll be very grateful. Btw, Ive tried a geforce card, and it didn't even have continous video on the TV-Set. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Rahul1023

    Help with my DVR System

    there is no option for dual display under schemes... There is only "Default Single Display" and "Switch amongst displays"
  3. Rahul1023

    Help with my DVR System

    Thanks for searching on ebay for me CCTVDude. I looked into the auctions which you found, but a couple of them are UK models, and one of them has an international plug. So that one is out, the other ones don't mention whether they have BNC connections or not, Is this a standard? Also would I need T connectors and more BNC cabling to wire back to the DVR, or would I be ok with any of these units? They sure are cheap though... I found a multiplexer online for about >$400. Thanks again..
  4. Rahul1023

    Help with my DVR System

    I don't know which settings you wanted so I took screenshots of all of the relevent settings which I messed with on the ATI settings panel. I haven't touched Hydravision, so if you think I need to adjust that, please let me know.
  5. Rahul1023

    Help with my DVR System

    I think CCTVDude's solution fits better because I would rather not have anything but the 4 video outputs on the screen of the TV-Set, I would rather not have the people walking in notice what is happening on the DVR Security system. My next question is, where can I purchase one of these Multiplexers for <$100... websites are most welcome.. I also hope the cabling for the multiplexer is also cheap.... thanks for all of your help guys.
  6. Rahul1023

    Help with my DVR System

    I must also mention, I have BNC Connectors for all the video camera's as well as the Wiring going to the TV. Except the tv has a adapter for BNC to RCA. I am trying not to spend alot of money on accomplishing this, I was hoping there was simply a card which plugs into the Computer to achieve this, or perhaps an add-on device to get TV-Out from the kodicom card. btw, for the multiplexer, wouldn't I need T-Connectors for the BNC plugs to get an output and 4 more cables to get it to the multiplexer? how much would all that and the wiring run me? Also is there more options? Thanks for the reply btw