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Everything posted by mysticav

  1. well, sometimes a group of people gather some money and buy directly. Not neccesary has to be a tabu. Generally the ammount goes between 50k to 200k
  2. I have been loking for a modem compatible with geovision hotline function. I have tried with 2 internal model and the problem is that the attached .wav doesn't sound. Does anybody has experience with a modem that works great with geovision ?
  3. WEll, actually the problem is fixed just by plugin a video signal to any channel. I'm using geovion version 7.0, Anyway, Thanks for the help.
  4. mysticav

    modem for geovision hotline calls.

    Thanks a lot. I will try it .
  5. mysticav

    modem for geovision hotline calls.

    I need to admit that newegg.com is my favorite place for electronics. Can anybody suggest me an external modem offered in newegg ? http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Submit=GO&Range=1&bop=and&description=modems&InnerCata=18
  6. Well, I'll stick with your suggestion. thanks.
  7. scottj, the only reason I considered this a problem is when I need to configure geovision without cameras. Sometimes I setup geovision before the cameras installation. So, the constant watchdog alert is terrible. By the way, wich services are you mean ? I would like to know about this services , If you recommend to disable them, It'll be nice to know.
  8. cctvgeeknz, so it means that the problem is with my geovision hardware not with the software ? So, the DVR I have is an old version ? The new ones are already deal with this problem ? I'll prefer not to disable windows services, to keep the system as simple as possible.
  9. mysticav

    huper vs. Geovision ?

    Yes, regarding quality, wich one do you prefer, the huper DVR or Geovision DVR ?
  10. well, I still got a prompt "...watchdog is trying to restart windows.." ok or cancel. after 10 seconds, if I don't cancel, the system shut down, and restarts. No services running, I isntalled everything from scratch, windows XP, and geovision is the only installed software.
  11. Did you test with the cameras enabled ? or with the cameras disabled ?
  12. The pC is clean. only Windows XP and Geovision. I have tried with all the cameras disabled. evendow, the problem continues, after a few minutes with no signal (cameras enable or disabled, it's the same), geovision log off and try to restart windows. "watchdog is trying to restart windows" The video loss noise is already disabled. Anyway, if the problem persists I will contact geovision. OR try to keep the cameras with signal. THe software should have an option to disable and enable watchdog auto restart. Maybe this a bug.
  13. So, it means that there's no way to disable this automated action ? Does it mean that I need to have at least 1 camera connected ? Thanks.
  14. Actually there's no watchdog cable connected. The problem is with the software. The message mentions about watchdog independently if you have watchdog cable connected or not.
  15. Hi, I'm setting down a GV-1480 Geovision combo card. it works perfectly as far as what i'm doing. Just video /audio monitor/record. Know, I would like make the best use of this wonderful system by adding adittional services. 1.- Hotline call with modem. Kindly suggest me a modem that works. I tried with a gateway internal modem and it makes the call, but when I attach a sound, I can't ear nothing of the recorded sound (yes, it's a 8,000 khz, 8bit, mono audio clip). THe modem is old. so, I guess the problem is the modem. It rings, but after getting the phone the call breaks. I'm in USA, so recommend me a well known modem for americans. 2.- Alarm system for Trigger motion detection. I know I need a GV-NET Card, but I don't have an idea what kind of alarm I have to buy. Any suggestions are most welcome. If you have an experience with one, let me know please. 3.- external motion detector for input trigger. The same question. Any model, brand that you can suggest me. 4.- A PTZ camera. Sheap and good for testing purposes. I'm interested specially in the object tracking function. Thank you very much.
  16. mysticav

    About compatible devices for geovision.

    Thank you very much. Sounds great.
  17. mysticav

    About compatible devices for geovision.

    Yes, you are right. it's just a quick solution. Regarding the modem, geovison suggest modems that actually I just can't find over the web to buy. Also, I have an internal modem and it works, it generate the call, the only problem is when you attach a wav. If you have a brand and model of an external modem already tested, kindly recommend it, and if possible where to buy it (I hope newegg.com would have it)
  18. mysticav

    About compatible devices for geovision.

    Yes, actually it's a perfect alternative. Thank you very much. I'll output the wav from my PC to an amplifier, I will find a siren wav emulation, and that's it. Anyway, I'm intersting about how to start using the GV-NET I/O cards, just to be prepare when the situation demands it. Thanks for the information. And by the way, does any of you guys have experience with a modem for hotline calls in geovision ?
  19. mysticav

    About compatible devices for geovision.

    Well, regarding the alarm issue, Actually what I want to do is generate a sound when video motion occurs. I didn't find any way to do this with the PC speakers. So, rory, are you telling me that the GV-NET works like a switch ? I don't know much about relays, I guess it's a kind of switch that is activated with voltage, or does it sends voltage ? Can I connect a 12V siren directly to the GV-NET card ? What exacltly do I need. Thanks !! Or if there's a way to use the PC speakers will be great .