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  1. WrightSG

    4CH MPEG4 DVR Question

    Soundy - Thanks for your help Jets - I'm not Steve
  2. Hi There, I am a bit of a noob to DVRs and was hoping to get some advice from you guys. I have a model HDR-04DE 4 Channel Mpeg4 DVR device and would like to know what my options are for storing the video capture. I understand that i can put a sata disk into the device and was wondering how the data is stored and whether i can read the data from this disk in Windows (if i ever took the disk out of the machine). Do you know what file system the disk would have? I have also noticed that there is an ethernet connection on the device, which would lead me to believe that i could also use networked storage. Is this correct? I have tried to read the manual for the device, but it is a bit unfriendly to say the least! Any help would be greatfully received. Thanks in advance