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Everything posted by stevenbuyse

  1. I have build +-6 systems (v 5.4.1) with no problem. Now with the new version 6.02 i can not configure the system to work with a router: When i start webserver the tab serversetup is not there. so i cannot assign the wan ip adres of my router. What is wrong ? Thanks.
  2. stevenbuyse

    Problem with geovision 6.02 webcam server

    which routers, this is something ive been looking for, for NO IP. thanks rory SMC routers do that, but i like the new geovision http:xxxx.dipmap.com
  3. stevenbuyse

    Problem with geovision 6.02 webcam server

    DMZ = humorous reference to "Demilitarized Zone: means all port are open for specified lan ip adres.
  4. stevenbuyse

    Problem with geovision 6.02 webcam server

    ok, i will try that. Now the geovision computer is in dmz mode, i will have to change that. i'l let you know if it works. Thanks
  5. stevenbuyse

    Problem with geovision 6.02 webcam server

    This means that i can no longer use a dynamic ip for my internet connection? Thanks for your help,