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Everything posted by gordon861

  1. gordon861

    CCTV Taxi Driver

    Most of the multicam systems for cars seem to work out stupidly expensive when compared to the single dashcams. I've not tried it myself yet but I have thought about hacking apart a normal cheap dashcam and placing the camera in a different location to the recorder, to see how that works. Another thought, assuming you are planning to use this for inside the cab you might need to check with data protection laws regarding the recording of customers with or without their permission.
  2. gordon861

    Car Survailence

    EEEKKK ! Holy necro ...
  3. gordon861

    Car Survailence

    Just had a quick look at the MobileWatchman system and it looks good, but damn expensive. There are cheap in car recorders available but there are also some pretty decent ones too that cost less than a quarter of the Watchman unit but that record in FullHD and manage to squeeze GPS and G-sensors into a very small unit. I would have thought that by moving the GPS, G-sensor and recording components into a remote box you should be able to save on the duplication of some parts and been able to worry less about the size of the other parts. Also with SSDs dropping in price you could use one of these instead of memory cards now and write a lot faster. Another advantage of using a separate recorder would be that you could make it a lot harder to steal.
  4. Hi, I'm new to CCTV stuff so looking for some advice before wasting my money. About a week ago I woke up to find the window of my car had been put in on my drive. What I'm looking for is a fairly cheap home CCTV DVR system to monitor the drive etc. in the hope of getting faces/ID if it happens again. I was looking at a Killer HD8 High Definition VGA DVR from cctvdirect in the UK. Does anyone have any thoughts on these units? Or suggestions of better unit? I figure that I'm better buying a unit like this instead of a "4 cam kit with cameras" from Maplins as it will allow me to use the cameras I want and add to it in the future. I also like the idea of being able to lock the unit away and just access the footage over the home LAN as required. The plan would be to increase the number of cameras to cover around the house as finance allows. Any comments or obvious things I'm doing wrong? Thanks Unit Specs
  5. gordon861

    Advice on a New Home System

    The extra recording makes sense, esp once you increase the number of cameras. Extra £150 could hurt but an 8 cam system running at 4 cam speed probably won't be so useful. I assume the dome cameras can also be mounted onto a wall rather than a ceiling. I'm in the UK just outside London. The fact that CCTV Direct seem to be the only suppliers of that unit is also a bit of a concern, I can't even find the manufacturers website. Also the prices being charged for the hard drives are about twice what they should be.
  6. gordon861


    New here trying to make a post about a new home system for myself after car been broken into. Just went to make the post, even without any URLs to the kit I was thinking of buying I get : So I try to let them know by sending a PM to an Admin/Mod and get LOL, I'm trying to follow the rules but it won't let me. Gordon
  7. gordon861


    Finally post number 5, hopefully I can start the thread I wanted to now, after another search.
  8. gordon861


  9. gordon861


    Oops it looks like I put this post in the wrong area, I was sure I posted in the Introductions bit.
  10. gordon861


    Yep it's looking that way but never liked just posting to boost a post count. Just figured I'd point out the 'please let us know' and the fact that it was impossible to do so.