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Everything posted by crirvine

  1. What is the error and how old is the dvr? We need more info to help you.
  2. not to get in detail 8fps X 4k = 32k per camera X 19 camera's = 608k if all 19 camera's are recording or veiwing live video and you always have overhead 512k up = about 495k
  3. crirvine

    access control setup

    If you are doing Access Control In the United States you better know your codes. 1. NFPA 72 Fire Alarms 2. NFPA 101 Life Saftey 3. NEC National Electrical Code 4. Talk to your local fire inspector.
  4. 501 We do them all the time the trick is to get the right strike for the door depth. 1. Trace with a awl and free hand cut with a jig saw on your marks and your ready to go. 2. Drill at the top of the door frame just like for door switches drop the wire down the track or drill through the frame into the wall drop the wire like a keypad and fish it out in the dooe frame. Makes nice looking installs for prehung doors or get your wire in before the door frame goes up.
  5. 1st it sounds like you have a clone card and hacked software. The bad news is that each brand of capture card has its own software and you can not mix or match software and cards. True anykeeper cards and software is a very stable system.
  6. crirvine

    Eyemax DV-9120

    Phillip 1st thing is where are you at and the 2nd thing is what stickers or on the case and what type case is it in.
  7. crirvine

    Geovision GV800

    Check the simple things. Windows settings 1.Advance power management (always on ) 2.Screen saver ( off ) personial prefferance 3.Harddrives ( always on ) 4.Suspend ( never) Motherboard Bias 1.always on 2.power on after power loss 3.Network card always on These are some of the simple things that often get overlooked.
  8. You already have the remote software it is built into the dvr connect to the dvr with internet explorer and download the remote software. Thats all the help I can give you.
  9. crirvine

    Isis DVR: Remote Viewing

    Let me guess you bought this card off e-bay. I will not state the sellers name but it is a clone card and the software came on a blank cdr disk. The only help I will give you is read the manual. These clone cards cost us (The Security Industry) We have to buy original cards with original software not to mention schools state fees plus all the other cost. We do this so we get tech support and training on setting up the cards and software. Sorry but this is all the help I can give you is call the seller and read the manual.
  10. Rory you are right no via or sis chipsets that card is like the magic radar cards. Intel chipset ati graphics (touch screen never seen that on a dvr, the hard drive needs to be setup to 2 patitions C: boot and what ever is next the cdr or dvd plus 80 gig is not going to last long 4k X fps X number of cameras= not very long. I know these work. GIGABYTE GA-8I865GME-775 ASUS P5PE-VM LGA 775 Foxconn 865G7MF-SH LGA 775 Stick with the basics nothing fancy
  11. 1. You will not get much help (e-bay card) 2. You more than likely have a clone card and software. 3. We need more information? A. Motherboard brand and model. B. Motherboard chicpset. C. Video card or type. 4. Version of capture card and software.
  12. crirvine

    Give me a break!

    Thanks Rory very true statement about VOIP phones and Burg/Fire panels we have started using DSC TL-150's for our VOIP customers. For 3 months I have been testing the TL-150 sending test 4 times an hour and I check the logs of the receiver I have never missed a test yet. I get 96 test signals a day on the test account. Also put in my 1st freedom64 and found a site listing the modem for this panel can you guess who's site came up on the search for a modem? I have 2 hayes 14.4 optima modems will these work?
  13. CollinR I had a customer that had this problem after the 3rd trip to the site I was told by the employee Mr know-it-all that he would just turn it off after the boss and I left. I stopped in my tracks and told the employee Mr know-it-all that was fine with me because I would have his picture messing with things that was not his and I would know who to send the bill to plus I would see he got fired. Well 2 days later I went to the site DVR was off powered up the unit searched the drive found Mr Know-it-all turning off the unit printed his picture gave it to the boss which fired him and I gave Mr know-it-all a bill for 4 service calls. Burned a copy of the video for court if it went that far but it did not Mr know-it-all paid his bill.
  14. I call it a PRO CCTV INSTALL
  15. Put a corvert camera in watching the DVR and FIRE THE THE ONE TURNING THINGS OFF AND RESETTING THE ROUTER.
  16. crirvine

    Manufactuers for spy gear

    What I see is the advertising of his website (user name) but it is for the admins to deal with.
  17. 1. Can you ping the DVR address? 2. Did it ever work right? 3. Have you logged out on the DVR and tried to connect remotely? 4. What physical changes have you made? 5. How do you connect to the internet and DVR and not be on a network? 6. Have checked the network cards to see they working in both computers? 7. Did you buy this DVR or did you build it and where did you get card and software?
  18. LOOKS LIKE YOU MIGHT HAVE A CLONE CARD READ SELLERS HISTORY BUYER STATES HIS ORDER CAME FROM CHINA. Sorry this is all the help I can give for E-BAY cards. If it is a true Magic Radar card the following must be followed 100% to work. The prices of these cards say CLONE all over them. The reason the software is that old is the new software will not run on old cards or clones. The motherboard must meet the specs listed below for TRUE 100% Magic Radar Cards. VGA : ATI Compatible AGP Graphic Card, VIP(Video Input Port)Existence Main board: No higher than Intel845 Resolution : 1024 × 768, 32bit Color HDD : 30GB or more Backup Storage : CD R/W, Tape Backup System, DVD-RAM, etc S/W : Direct X 7.0 or later Driver : DVR Driver You have to use these parts ONLY INTEL 845G Motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813151160 INTEL P4 2.0 GIG (NOT AMD) ATI VIDEO 7000 64 meg agp card 256 Meg Ram the video needs to be on a differant drive from the OS WIN XP HOME THIS MOTHERBOARD MIGHT WORK http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813128027
  19. If you are going to connect computer to dvr only you need a cross over cable for it to work. I you have a switch or router you need a stright through or normal cable. Also your DVR needs an address or has a network address you will need this to conect PC to DVR in either case.
  20. crirvine

    Sv 8016

    You can not run the ptz controller and the ptz controls at the same time unless you use a pelco device sorry I do not remember the part number I have put one in like that and it was the only way to make it work with both at the same time. are you hooked up to 485 tx+ tx- going to the cam from the dvr? The best thing is to call pelco tech support.
  21. crirvine

    DVR cards

    1. DVR's are just that. 2. You can multitask on some but not all. Do you want to take a chance of crashing your DVR because of a loaded e-mail? 3. DVR's are not plug and play boards OS tweeks , hard drive patitions , most all DVR's are built around the card OS, MOTHERBOARD, HARDDRIVE with OS patition, storage patition. DVR's write to the storage drive then start over when full. This all depends on what type dv card you have but I do not allow customers to use the dvr as a computer.
  22. For one MOST ALL DVR cards do not like AMD and non-intel based mothers boards. You will have to goto where you got the DVR card from and look at the specs for that card.
  23. The password list is hide in the registry so the answer to your question is no not enen if you reinstall the software. I would not advise you to go off in the registry. The only option you have is reformant the OS drive reinstall windows reinstall DVR software and hope you know the default DVR admin password if any (depending on what version software)
  24. I see you gat a response from them. Now for the info I know 1. All version 3.*.*.* and new software requires a p4 2.0 gig or larger cpu 2. You have never seen this card or system work (might be bad card) 3. What do you expect from a dvr as in days storage 4. If you have a bad card you will have to get a bigger P4 cpu which means a new motherboard and not just any motherboard will work. So we need all information brand motherboard model motherboard version capture card sticker on the card says V1 V2 V3 ect your system ram should be 512 pc2100 (266) a new motherboard will need pc3200 (ddr 400) This will get you started good luck
  25. 1. Look at the power supply 2. Look at the prossesser fan heat issue 3. What changes did you make 4. Did it ever work or is it new 5. Is it used for anything else 6. You might have a stick of memory going bad 7. I had a motherboard go bad and do that also try those and let us know.