This is going to quite vague but here goes!
I'm currently doing a HCI (Human Computer Interface) module at University and we have to design a CCTV interface - only the interface.
We have been given:
2 monitors - to display the cameras however we like
1 control console
5 cameras around a home
3 motion sensors
Views from the cameras are displayed by the homeowner (browsing), or when the motion sensors are triggered (alerts), displayed automatically.
The interface design should be quick and intuitive with minimum or no text entry.
My question is this:
In an ideal world, could you tell me how you would like the interface set out?
If you have any links to interfaces you use already (bewator, vista, etc) that would be much appreicated!
Of if you can give me any futher tips, advice or need some questions answered please let me know. I'm a relative newcomer to the CCTV world I'm afraid!
Many thanks,