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Everything posted by spooner

  1. spooner

    Veracity OUTREACH Max / XT

    I have the following Veracity pieces for sell new in box: OUTREACH Max http://www.veracityglobal.com/products/ethernet-and-poe-extension/outreach-max.aspx Qty: 8 Price: $100 each OUTREACH Max XT http://www.veracityglobal.com/products/ethernet-and-poe-extension/outreach-max-xt.aspx Qty: 2 Price: $200 each
  2. spooner

    Milestone Software

    Have a bunch of Milestone software that I need to get rid of since I don't push it as much. Looking for offers at the moment since I'm not in a huge rush to sell it. I'll take paypal payment only and I'll send you the SLC as soon as I see the payment. 1 XPE Base License with Camera License: 8 http://www.milestonesys.com/products/ip_video_software/xprotect_enterprise/system+overview 1 XPA Server Base License http://www.milestonesys.com/products/value_add_products/video_analytics 1 XPT Base Server License with Connection(s): 1 http://www.milestonesys.com/products/value_add_products/xprotect_transact 1 XPA Plug-in Gen. API Integr. with Connection(s): 2 XProtect Analytics Generic VA Integration Channel License 1 XPB+ License with Camera Licenses: 16
  3. spooner

    Milestone Software

    Bump Still for sale, looking for offers.
  4. I use Veracity equipment, I've ran a camera well over 600' with just one of the outreach models and it came right from the POE switch. http://www.veracityglobal.com/
  5. spooner

    Milestone Software

    Added more software to the list: - XProtect Basis+ with 16 camera license
  6. spooner

    Milestone Software

    Bump, PMs replied on the software. I'm taking offers on the software at the moment and you can email me at spooner404@gmail.com if you have any questions.
  7. spooner

    Milestone Software

    Bump Still have this software for sale
  8. I droped IQEye for this exact reason, one of their tech guys went to work for Basler and a couple of reps went another direction too.
  9. do you plan on using a raid controller?
  10. watch your bandwidth is all i can say. if these switches will be connected to anything else then you need to get some layer 2 switches. i would stick with the H.264 since it will be dramatically less on your bandwidth consumption. Ex: 200 1.3MP h.264 w/ 30% motion in 24 hours at 8fps 252 Mbps 200 1.3MP MJPEG w/ 30% motion in 24 hours at 8fps 1.5 Gps (1500 Mbps) I hope you are running some gig switches and pray that notiong moves on all those cameras at once.
  11. spooner

    iphone cctv help

    three things you can do: - Give the camera public IP address - Setup a VPN on the computer that is there (if its running 24/7) - Open VPN (the best and most secured) If you dont know much about OpenVPN and not much of a technical guy then you are stuck with the other two options. The easiest would be to setup a VPN connection on the PC and just log into it from your iphone. There is a Axis Cams app thats about $6 and ive been able to connect to Axis / IQEye / Arecont cams on it.
  12. spooner

    Hello from Houston, TX

    I have been lurking on the forums the past couple of months and figured I would sign-up. I work at a IP based company that tries to strive in connecting everything from phone system to access control IP only. we have a huge list of products that we specialize in and business seems to be good so far in this big city.
  13. spooner

    Axis email

    Those settings are fine, but you need to change your dns settings. i dont know what city your in but here is a list of dns servers from sbc. h ttt p : / / dedicated .pacbell. net /faq /FAQs _techsupport.hhhh tttt mmm llll i still cant list websites...but you get the ideal
  14. I use either Enterasys or Adtran, i have had more problems with those cheap poe switches like netgear. The netgear switches kept having port issues to where the port didnt supply power or it just burnt out.
  15. spooner

    Axis email

    DSL is via SBC, but they require SSL. I have other email accounts that do not require SSL, but I can't get those to work either. Best, Christopher I'm using sbc dsl as well and i get emails from my axis cam just fine. what kind of modem are you using and which smtp server are you trying to connect to? you can find some help on google if you type in "smtp 2wire" amd the first website is portforward. i cant seem to list websites since i haven't been on the forums long enough. there are websites they can help you determine which smtp server you need to connect to, whether its SWBell, Prodigy, SNet...etc. just do a search for "sbc smtp servers" and find out which smtp server you are connected too. I'm using smtp.att.yahoo,com.
  16. spooner

    Axis email

    what email providers are you using?? who is your main internet provider and did they give you a email account?