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Everything posted by pdxkris

  1. pdxkris

    Sample image repository?

    First, thanks to all of you for this place! I've spent many, many hours in the last week reading up on CCTV, and by far I've gotten the most valuable information on this forum! Is there an existing area either on this site or elsewhere on the web where I can go in order to see sample output of 420+ TVL images, ideally in both daylight and low light, at their full non-reduced size? If not, would any of you kind folks care to upload some? I've seen a number of sample images here and there, but I often get the feeling their size has been reduced before posting in order to save everybody bandwidth. What I'd like to see is the quality I could expect to receive on a mid-range CCTV setup. I'm having a heck of a time deciding if high res CCTV would satisfy me, or if I should continue saving until I can afford to go megapixel. Thanks, Kris