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Everything posted by hardwired

  1. hardwired

    Checking in on the Canadians

    In the spirit of full disclosure, I just came across something in my town that made me wonder about my choice of hometowns, also..... Does anyone else have this sign, or should I be worried?
  2. hardwired

    best day night camera

    EMCCD Peltier cooled CCD cams will give you color at 0.008 lux, no frame integration... Samsung SHC-750 is one, Toshiba IK-1000 is another.. At least $8K retail or so....
  3. hardwired

    PTZ using wireless

    I'd suggest the Acti encoder/ decoders (ACD-2100 Encoder, ACD-3100 Decoder), with Ubiquiti wireless IP gear. That will give you RS422 data pass-through for PTZ control, video, and two way audio capability, and the price point versus performance is hard to beat. On the higher end, the Verint stuff is nice, but I've had just as good results with the gear I listed above, for a lot less money.
  4. hardwired

    Encoder/Decoder Pairs

    I'd second Rory's choice on the Acti product, I've used several sets to provide analog viewing stations, with PTZ joystick control, to an analog Pelco Esprit on a otherwise all IP system and had good results. Not sure if you've already nailed down your wireless choice, if not, take a look at Ubiquiti products, I've had very good results with it, and the price is great.
  5. Sennetech makes a large variety of converters, for many different protocols. I think this one will be the one you are looking for.... http://www.sennetech.net/Manuals/SC50/SC-50-Pelco-422.PDF
  6. hardwired

    Integral issue

    Try making sure the Windows firewall is turned of in the DVR (you mentioned Remote Desktop into it, so I'm assuming it's Windows based) And maybe try running the remote software on the DVR box to the local loopback (, and see if that works.
  7. hardwired

    Checking in on the Canadians

    What cable ? Do u seriously believe that any kind of installs will be done ? Not by me I kind of figured that.. Is there any thievery going on there at that temperature, anyway? What CAN you do there in that kind of weather besides fly south for the winter, like the geese? Are a lot of babies there born around September?
  8. hardwired

    Checking in on the Canadians

    This was the article.. http://www.accuweather.com/news-story.asp?partner=accuweather&traveler=0&article=6 I meant degrees F, but isn't that still cold enough? How do you handle cable in that weather without breaking it? Or your fingers? *edit* It was 54 degrees F where I am yesterday, I can't quite comprehend surviving your weather....
  9. hardwired

    PTZ ports

    Try opening a DOS window on a remote PC connected to your DVR (Windows popup key,run, type in "cmd" in the box, on a Windows machine.) In the window, type "netstat -a" (without the quotes) This will show all active ports, look for ones that say "established" with the remote IP listed. This is a method I use for less-than-well documented pieces of equipment of many types to learn what ports are being used.
  10. Looks like you're running at full frame rate, try turning it down a little and see what happens. That might answer some questions about throughput problems. If you are using IP cams also, that will add to the processing overhead, possibly causing problems. Also, those Seagates (especially the early ones) had a few firmware issues that could be contributing to problems, do you have any other drives you can test in it?
  11. hardwired

    Sentrynet Trainable Video Surveillance System Vintage 1990

    Yes, enjoy it while you can, youngster.. Dancing won't be quite the same after 20 years of crawling in attics. Never got a chance to play with gear like you are showing, it was all Muxes and tape for me... Bet you don't know how to change the head on a Panasonic AG-RT600, or program an original American Dynamics Mux, though. (like those are a skill I'll ever need again!)
  12. hardwired

    what does 720p resolution mean?

    Brings up one of my rants.. Only a very few lens manufacturers include objective (MTF or LP/MM) information, which makes it almost impossible to tell whether a lens will really be suitable for a given "Megapixel" rating without testing it... I got lenses on a early Arecont dome that looked like crap when I put them on a standard res cam, let alone a Megapixel cam. Arecont replaced them with another "no name" selection that was better, but images from them still are not anywhere as good as I get with a box style Arecont, and a good brand name lens. I really wish more Megapixel cam manufacturers would go with a bigger imager, and DSLR lenses, like Avigilon has. Lens manufacturers on the DSLR side of things have a long head start on CCTV manufacturers about dealing with Megapixel optics.
  13. hardwired

    HD Sanyo Cameras

    I was referring to the other new models in the Sanyo line, there are quite a few new ones. As far as the Panasonic cams, the WV-NP502 box cam and the WV-NW502S dome share the same components.
  14. hardwired

    HD Sanyo Cameras

    I've been testing my Panasonic 502 for a couple of weeks and overall I am pleased with the camera. Given your enthusiasm for the night performance, I want to compare my settings to make sure I'm getting the best performance possible. My settings include: Image Capture Mode = 1.3 megapixel Super Dynamic = Off Adaptive Black Stretch = Off Back Light Compensation = Off Light Control Mode = Outdoor Scene AGC = On High Auto Slow Shutter = Off (1/30s) Level = High Red Gain = Default Blue Gain = Default DNR = High Stabilizer = Off Chroma Gain Level = Default Aperture Level = Default Pedestal Level = Default Are these settings similar to yours? Best, Christopher Actually, I've been running most of them in 3MP MJPEG mode, other settings the same. In the 1.3MP setting, nighttime performance should be better. I'm not even sure how you would go about changing settings for Pedestal and Chroma on an IP camera, as these were traditionally measured with analog testers (or a oscilloscope)...
  15. hardwired

    HD Sanyo Cameras

    I'd put it a little above the Arecont (except for the advantage of the H.264 at full resolution), but the new Panasonic WV-NP502 is hard to beat at night. I'm looking to try one of the new models that has the same imager / lens, but not all the bells and whistles, that could be one I would plan to use more of.
  16. hardwired

    connect two dvr

    With the amount of space you are running in, your wattage is already too high (and beyond legal limits in most countries), you would do better reducing your power, most likely, and most repeaters cut available bandwidth in half... But Soundy's answer above still stands, you will not be able to run that many cameras effectively without wireless gear that would cost many times more than your entire system... and then, it still would not work as well as hard wiring it. In a hotel, you likely have many phone lines running throughout your facility, why not look into something like this http://netsys-direct.com/proddetail.php?prod=NVF-2400S at the headend, with http://netsys-direct.com/proddetail.php?prod=NVF-200R at each camera location, or comparable products for Ethernet over coax. You could also use these products to provide internet service for guests to their rooms.
  17. hardwired


    i dont get involved in retail sales so I dont know what that is (unless you mean a wristband with a bar code used in the clubs, but cant be that), but I have seen other things .. ive seen the cashiers just pocket the money cold .. but i mostly just get called in when someone gets stabbed, shot or killed. The cashier will have a wristband with small item barcodes up his sleeve, and scan it instead of the item. And, the "no sale" at the end of the transaction shows up a lot... And I wish I had an erase button for my mind after seeing some of the prison footage I've helped download.... Yuck!!!!
  18. hardwired


    nope never seen bad staff do that here, they do alot of other things but never seen that one before .. doing that would be too bold, they would be caught in a flash, they may as well just pocket the cash and dont ring in anythng You've never seen the barcode wristband, either?.. That's a fun one.
  19. I definitely agree, wireless is also my last choice, I use coax-ethernet adapters, Veracity ethernet extenders, DSL-type extenders, even free-space optics before wireless... But sometimes, it really is the only option. My point was, if you're going to use wireless, use GOOD wireless... I use a lot of Ubiquiti stuff, either their complete units, or their mini-PCI, XR series cards in Mikrotik routerboards (there's a fun learning curve) to get reliable results. I also do a spectrum analysis, and also propagation path modeling in Radio Mobile for longer hops. Takes a little more effort, but it's worth it. What do u use as wi-fi analyser ? Wi-Spy ? UBIQUITI AIRVIEW2 ? any other ? Thx I use the Airview 2, and 9 (do quite a bit of 900MHz stuff), also Mikrotik routerboards can run a spectrum analysis, when used with their R52N mini-PCI card and newest RouterOS. Thinking about getting the Spectran HF-6060 V4.
  20. hardwired

    Mixing AC & DC

    +1, NO and NO.
  21. I definitely agree, wireless is also my last choice, I use coax-ethernet adapters, Veracity ethernet extenders, DSL-type extenders, even free-space optics before wireless... But sometimes, it really is the only option. My point was, if you're going to use wireless, use GOOD wireless... I use a lot of Ubiquiti stuff, either their complete units, or their mini-PCI, XR series cards in Mikrotik routerboards (there's a fun learning curve) to get reliable results. I also do a spectrum analysis, and also propagation path modeling in Radio Mobile for longer hops. Takes a little more effort, but it's worth it.
  22. hardwired

    RS485 to coaxitron

    The best item to use for that would be Pelco's CM9760CXTA, that will take RS422 in, and give you 16 looping Coaxitron outputs. I've used several in older installs that were Coaxitron only, to add DVR control without having to pull additional wire.
  23. You might take a look at Ubiquiti's "N" rate stuff, for short hops, people are getting close to wirespeed on it.
  24. hardwired

    Pelco PTZ Spectra III

    Nope, 24VAC only...
  25. Unless you have a EXTREMELY fast internet connection (I mean, something like DS3, several thousand dollars a month), recording megapixel cameras remotely is going to be almost impossible at full resolution, or any kind of decent frame rate. You'd do better to look into something like Mobotix, where recording is done at the camera, and you can view down-sampled, compressed video remotely, and then download full res video if there is a incident.