Hello you all ! I am the owner of several Ikegami's ICD42E/220volts camera's fitted with Computar AI 25mm lenses. I would like to change lenses to 4mm AI type. I learned from the tech-sheet that Ikegami uses
9Volts DC over pins A & C ( older type 3-pin round connector ). Since the
newer style camera's and lenses use mostly 12Volts DC will this create
operating problems ? Has anyone encountered / solved this before ?
How to proceed ? Please make a suggestion on low-priced brand / type lens ( 1/2" ) i could use.
Again from Computar tech-sheet I've learned that Video-type lens will
take between 8 ~ 16volts DC. For normal Day-light / Night application
will a F 1,4-90 be O.K. or should I go for the slightly more expensive
F1,4-300 type ?
Still looking for a good place to buy, 2-nd hand no problem !
( I am in need of 10 pcs )