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Everything posted by will_h

  1. Hi all, I have a four cam setup with low end board cams with IR illuminators. The illuminator on a couple of cams blinks on and off when the light sensitive diode that controls the IR LED's is covered up, and at night. Surely it should just come on in low light and off in daytime? Instead it blinks at night, giving an intermittent image. I've tried turning what I assume is a calibration resistor on the illuminator ring but it does absolutely nothing to the way the diode responds to light. These generic no-name low end board cams have no discernible model number and it's hard to get info on them, can anyone link me to some useful info that might help me? I've just moved into the house and the system was already installed, total newbie but learning as I go.... Thanks, Will
  2. will_h

    IR blinking flashing in low light

    thanks for replies, yes the camera is staying on throughout blinking but the auto iris is constantly having to adjust to the changes and its less than ideal. Its like intermittent night vision. Blinks on and off consistently about once a second, maybe a bit faster. Would be good if I could just force the LED's to stay on permanently as they prob don't use much power. I will look for a yellow wire but I don't think its a blinking IR device because it works fine when the LEDs stay on, which happens when light levels are low. It only blinks when I cover up the diode with the tinted dome glass of the enclosure or my finger...