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  1. patto

    CCTV operator Training Manual

    Does it include both cctv and dvr?
  2. patto

    subscription to certain forum

    I agree with your idea. I want to know when the boad has new post and then I will read it.
  3. Don't be serious with smart customers. It's normal case that sometimes we meet nice customers and sometimes we meet smart customers.
  4. patto

    HTML not working in Forum Post

    I think this website doesn't allow html code.
  5. patto

    some body please help

    It's ever happened to me. It's because firewall. Please check your firewall first.
  6. patto

    Is this the best CCTV forum?

    I think it is good website for cctv and dvr discussion
  7. patto


    Hi. My name is patto. Let's discuss CCTV and DVR topics.