HA, never thought of a telescope. However, I did intend to locate the camera 75 yards away. It may be more like 50. It is a turn that goes to the back side of the property. We want to see who is coming an going. What if anything special do I need to run video that distance? Do I need a repeater or anything? I realize I have to plan for a power drop especially with IR cameras.
From what I found(supercircuits and ussscctv for example to keep it simpler)
-DVRS 4ch range from $200 - $400 w/o drive. (CPCAM and it looks like the other store has AVtech, not sure. Looking at DMR40DVD ,DMR27U ,CPD561ASV, or CPD541DV) Anyone know much about these? they resemble the AVTech ones, but I don't know if they really are made by them.
-A good size sata can be had for $60
-Cable $50?
-3 cameras (eg. PC177IR-5 or PC177IRHR-5 from SC) $100-$120 per camera
-power supplies and mounts for cameras $100?
- 1 camera (wide angle?) - $150?
- ethernet router(don't have one) $50
-already have a monitor
that is about $800 - $1k. Thoughts? Maybe I should ask it like this, is this the best I can do with a $800 - 1K budget?