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Everything posted by arthurbikemad

  1. arthurbikemad

    Hello all! :)

    Hi, just wanted to say hello. I have an interest in all things electronic and engine based... Have had a (odd) interest in CCTV for many years, I live on a Builders Yard 12acre run/owned by my father. I have a number of small business that I run from performance motorbikes to steel fabrication. At my workshop's and my fathers yard we have a necessity for CCTV and thanks to my experience (now a little out of date) with computers and networking etc etc, I have a nice system that lets me try and monitor whats going on. I have three DVR's on site that are stand alone with UPS backup, they have both 2.4Ghz wireless cams (domes/ir/ptz) with a mix of UTP and coax used on site. I also send the output's to a number of monitors on site (house/yard/office) over 2.4 and intranet too. I am hoping to use some of the new 3G services soon too as well as remote monitor over the net. I also have some homebrew IR/CCTV on a rotator that we can pan around as we have not cashed out on a nice IR PTZ, that I would love to have on site for nite time observation from the house upon alarm activations. Oh well one day... I wanted to thank the CCTV forum for all the info here and to the people that are of the know and share there experience with others like me.. Cheers to you all.
  2. arthurbikemad

    Hello all! :)

    Thanks for the Hello.. I do like to try and keep up to date with new CCTV products, and there is some good stuff on the market now and well priced too I think.. Some good reading on here! I think the forums are a valuable place for info and help...