This is my situation. A friend of mine has purchased a store and recently acquired 5 Panasonic WV-BL204 Cameras. She wants these to be used inside the store & for them to record the store at night only. From what I have been able to find on the net this cameras are outdated, old, etc... None of that matters really. My questions are simple:
1. How do I hook these cameras up to a power supply? There are 3 screws; Ground, 1, & 2.
2. What is Gen-Lock & will it prevent me from hooking these cameras up to a standard VCR & TV?
3. Will I be able to hook up all the cameras to 1 TV & 1 VCR or do I need separate VCR's for each camera?
4. Is there anything else I will need to know or anyone that has a link to a .pdf file of the manual?
This is my first experience with hooking up a CCTV system. Sorry if I seem completely dumb to how it all hooks up and works. All help and replies are greatly appreciated.
My friend got the cameras from a foreclosure house. She's in realestate and does the trash-outs on foreclosures and picks up lots of useful items from time to time. If there was a tech support that I knew of that would be my first stop. But alas, I do not know of one. Thanks for posting cglaeser. Feel free to shoot any other ideas my way.
Does anyone here know anything bout Panasonic WV-BL204 cameras?? I came here for advice & tips but have received none. If I was not thorough enough in my questions, please let me know. Perhaps someone can point me in the right direction for the information I am seeking. Please help me. All help & replies are greatly appreciated.