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Everything posted by mjnavapo

  1. Hi, I have a 4ch grabber card with Fusion 878A know her a Linux distribution to install on a computer and turn it into an autonomous DVR so easy? Thanks.
  2. mjnavapo

    Buy DVR on ebay?

    Hello, I want to buy a 4ch DVR for my home that is economy. I've seen two models with specifications that look good. http://cgi.ebay.es/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270629626881 http://cgi.ebay.es/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350327123831 Know any of these models? We recommend these products? They will have good quality of recording? Thank you.
  3. mjnavapo

    Buy DVR on ebay?

    well there is your first mistake 1 is pal and the other is ntsc. were are you based ???? also if you buy direct from china you are going to have no support at all .........STAY away from ebay Thanks for the reply. The specifications indicated that supports PAL and NTSC the two DVR Warranty is a risk that must be run, in my country like a DVR specifications lowest priced four times higher. DVR I do not understand, you see the correct specifications? Has something bad or not recommended? PS: sorry for my English, I do not speak English, I use google translator.
  4. Hello, I have a problem with an Axis 207 IP camera. The image is sometimes very bad, with a kind of interference colors. The failure occurs randomly. Attached is a picture taken with the same camera, one is when it looks good and the other when failure occurs. Does anyone know of that can be? Is there a solution? I tried to reset, to update firmware, etc. .. Thank you.
  5. Hello, it's not wifi, ethernet cable is Axis says the sensor seems to be burned. But it seems strange, the camera has been used very little. Sometimes it works well and others badly.
  6. Hi, this cloud, under a roof, there is very little sun. I've also tested indoors under artificial light is the same. Even at night, this camera is put into B & W and still have interference, only gray. PS: sorry if I understood, I do not speak English, use google translator. edit: I upload a picture of night
  7. Hello, I have a Night Vision camera without a lens type M12x0, 5 with fixed infrared filter. If you change a lens without infrared filter, when it is daytime, the image looks bad, unnatural colors. I am looking for a lens of this type that has removable infrared filter, so you can enable or disable it using an external sensor light. But I see no lens M12x0, 5 with this feature. Anybody know if there is what I seek? Thank you.
  8. mjnavapo

    Board lens removable IR-Cut

    Excuse me, but I do not speak English (I'm from Spain) and to communicate with you using the google translator and some things do not translate well and do not understand. I attached a picture with the camera parts.
  9. mjnavapo

    Board lens removable IR-Cut

    The IR-CUT filter is in the lens itself that comes standard with the camera By changing the lens produces a no infrared filter, infrared displays perfectly, so it is valid for night vision. So I need a removable lens with infrared filter. And then done with an external circuit with a photocell, activate or turn off the filter, depending on the lighting conditions. Deputy vision image comparing with the original lens and the lens that he has no infrared filter. The focus is 48 infrared LED 850nm
  10. mjnavapo

    Board lens removable IR-Cut

    hardwired I sent him an email and see if they respond. Thank you. rory my camera is an Axis 207. The standard lens comes with built-in infrared filter. I have taken this lens and I've put another without infrared filter and works well as infrared night vision. But when it's daytime, the color is not natural. It seems that this lens is what I need, I'll send an email to the manufacturer. My camera has no automatic control of IRIS what if I put a lens with auto iris? Thanks
  11. mjnavapo

    Board lens removable IR-Cut

    I do not know, my knowledge on these subjects is very basic. What I was thinking about is a lens inside bears a removable infrared filter for some motor or electromagnet. Thus, for example, by applying a DC voltage, insert the filter, and by disconnecting the voltage is removed. Or vice versa. In order to control it with an external circuit to the camera (as this does not admiete this possibility), something like a photocell, so active or deactivate the filter, whether it is day or night. Thank you.