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Everything posted by FARID

  1. Hi, I am new at this. I have a Samsung DVR SHR-2040P installed working with Smartviewer software. Everything works OK apart from the fact that I can not connect to the DVR setup. My credentials are correct and the button is activated, but when I try to connect to the DVR an Explorer type message comes up saying that the web page is unavailable. Can anyone help me on this? I would be truly grateful.
  2. Hi, I am new at this. I have a Samsung DVR SHR-2040P installed working with Smartviewer software. Everything works OK apart from the fact that I can not connect to the DVR setup. My credentials are correct and the button is activated, but when I try to connect to the DVR an Explorer type message comes up saying that the web page is unavailable. Can anyone help me on this? I would be truly grateful.