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  1. Gary1

    VW3208 Mini Matrix

    Anybody know where I can pick up a manual online for this? Customer wants to use Pelco protocol controller. Does the vw3208 first have to be configured using the usual controllers associated with it or can it automatically adjust itself according to protocol searched? ( I have never heard of something that can do that(latter), but according to clients....???!!!)
  2. Gary1

    Windows 7

    Has anyone come into some issues using remote ap software ( AVTech Video Server) where the remote PC has windows 7 64 or /and 32 bit installed? I have a client who has a latency issue eversince windows 7 was installed on their PC's, before it was running Xp & Vista which had no issues. If Window 7 causes hassles for CCTV Software there where to go from there? I know most CCTV software is compatable with all other windows versions, windows is a different entity though.
  3. Hi all Does anybody out there now anything regarding this? A customer has this issue where he has forgotten the password and needs to get the default password to work again. The only method I can think of other than messing around on the PCB would be to upgrade the firmware. This is a new model Samsung has brought out and I doubt there are any firmware upgrades available as yet? The older models could do this by pressing the "mode" + "ch2" buttons.
  4. tried it, still not satisfactory. Its on all three they have there, may be a manuf. issue?? on that model perhaps...
  5. Have any of you guys had any issues with the Acti - IR cams before. A couple of our installers have complained that there seems to be a smudge, like a blur in the centre of the pic when heavy sunlight?! All settings are pretty much there, but yet it cant seem to focus in the middle of the pic. It is the ACM- 1431 IR Bullet, which runs at 25/30 fps at D1(720x480 NTSC ; 720x576 PAL) Compared to the ACM-1231, which runs at roughly 15fps at D1 is picture perfect (literally!!)