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Everything posted by rucanunes

  1. If you choose to view camera 1 and than the 3 cameras on the same screen, it doesn't refresh. You cannot move the cameras.
  2. Do the "experts" on this site, know of a better app I can use fot my system, please?
  3. hi this is the right APP for your dvr. http://itunes.apple.com/de/app/scdvr/id335734063?mt=8 Thank you for your help. I have that app, but it sucks!!
  4. Thank you for your reply. Yes I choosed port 80 on the DVR. Heres the model: http://www.lupus-electronics.gr/LUPUS_-_Digital_Video_Recorder/New%3A_LUPUS_-_LE_800-p.html
  5. I placed my IP address:80 and the app says: "Starting..." and than "Stop". But no Picture..! What am I doing wrong? Please help me!!
  6. If you go to this page, you'll see numbers and letters after the ":"?!? http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=343195345&mt=8?partnerId=30&siteID=KEmRFwU0WKY-E4kkszmfrmSzP3HSUtV79w
  7. Thank you for your help. I downloaded it from iTunes but I have a question... What are those letter after the domain name? I can't seem to be able to connect to my DVR... http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=343195345&mt=8?partnerId=30&siteID=KEmRFwU0WKY-E4kkszmfrmSzP3HSUtV79w Eros
  8. Hello, I have an AEON LE-800 mounted on my father's residence but I have two problems: 1. When using the software supplied the manufacturer, inside the lan I can see image but PTZ it's not working. 2. When remotely viewing over internet, I can see everything, and mess with the menus, but no image, just a blue screen. Any ideas on these problems, please? Also, is there good software compatible with this system, for remote viewing and local viewing? Merry Christmas to all. Raul
  9. Hi, What do you think about this camera (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180395957990) connected to this system (http://www.lupus-electronics.de/AEON_-_Digital_Video_Recorder/New%3A_AEON_-_LE_800-p.html)? Any inputs will be greatly appreciated! Best Regards, R Nunes
  10. Hello, I bought an AEON - LE 800 and I can see the cameras at all my TVs (rooms). The problem is that I would like to be able to control the cameras using the mouse (this DVR supports that) on all the rooms. How can I do that? My house has two floors. Is there a way using HUBs or USB range extenders, etc? Best Regards, Raul Nunes
  11. I can control the cameras with my wireless mouse on my bedroom (where I have the DVR). The problem is that I would like to control them on my living room, one floor down.
  12. Hello, Could you recommend a good software that I can download/buy that will be compatible with the AEON LE800? Thank you, R Nunes
  13. rucanunes

    AEON LE-800 problem when remote viewing.

    Someone, please? Do I have to foward any ports on mi Linkys router or change something on the DVR?