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Everything posted by ejgeem

  1. ejgeem

    Hello Noob here... ole DSR2000E..

    Cool Dude one phrase for you " FACTORY DEFAULT "... The the factory default code number "8111" is changeable.. ..The code 8111 is there when you buy it COOL! It is not an unfailing back door key.... The Manual pg 5-6 states that once the 8111 code is entered (before it is changed) you can access the advanced menu ( much needed) MY problem is simple I must reset the machine to Factory default by a hardware solution...(not by entering "8111") The FACTORY DEFAULT code has been changed...... >CoolDude >Post subject: Re: Hello Noob here... ole >>DSR2000E.. >>The manual also says that 8111 cannot be changed >so you have a real weird problem
  2. Hello members and mods ... honestly I like computers and havent fiddled much with cctv equipment and the like (other than my EVERFOCUS ESDR system) but I came across a cheap used Calibur DSR2000e by Kalatel/GE .. thought about using it for a DVR unit on my tv... .. . only prob is that it has a password (which i dont know) that isnt the default 4 digit code... ... Was wondering if anyone could inform as to how to rid that passcode so I could access the advanced menu ... Pretty sure some of you have seem this unit before..... Maybe those jumpers on the mboard or a number comb or something
  3. ejgeem

    Hello Noob here... ole DSR2000E..

    >>CoolDude >>Post subject: >>To reset everything to default including being able >>to change passwords you should be able to use >>8111. >>The manual is readily available on line. >>To reset everything to default including being able >>to change passwords you should be able to use >>8111. >>The manual is readily available on line. h new year got 3 copees of the manual pdf .... but that 8111 code doesnt work... the unit returns a wrong code message ... I guess I need some jumper/etc... info beyond the manual...