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  1. cains

    Hello all from denmark

    Hi Im a 32y old "boy" Im a hardware technician. (educated electronic mechanic) In my current job i have asked my boss to work some more with cctv. Its a newer thing at my work. Only a couple of years old. So its pretty new for most there. 6month ago i knew nothing about it. Now i know enough to find out where the errors is, and chance the equipment needed to solve the problems. But now and then i run into problems where i might just change stuff, and hope the error disapears by it self. Without knowing why it is the way it is.. Also, im not the one with power to deceide what equipment to buy. Manufacture, model, type etc etc. Im just in a position where its up to me to make it all work all the time Think i could need help know and then to solve these problems, and hope i can find it in here And maybe in future i can help out others. Couse im really injoying this work right know. And hope to be an expert in this in the future