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Everything posted by donmoody

  1. donmoody

    DVR and VoIP

    Hello, Hope you are well, I install CCTV and provide a remote access service to people who get a system installed from me. I have been using avtech DVRs (digiguard, in particular) as they are cheap and effective for what i need them for. I know i can remotely access the dvrs but if i wanted to send a message remotely, how could i do this? are there dvrs set up to do this? what would i need to have set up on the other end? can i do this at a budget? My supplier is getting expensive by the minute, where can i get some cheap dvrs with Voip features and i do not mind buying bulk. Also cameras, if anybody has any ideas? sorry to be a pain and thanks advance. Regards Moody
  2. donmoody

    DVR and VoIP

    Hello, Thanks again, all this info is great, although you lost me at sip servers, lol. I'm getting idea that the CCTV biz is a very unstable industry in business terms and there are lots of companies coming and going. So I should use resources that would not require me to relie on someone or something because it may not be there after a while, although there are some names that seem to pop up again and again (mobotix). So if I got a dvr that allowed remote access, how could I get one way audio to the remote location, if required? I am not too bothered about receiving audio but would be nice. Another question to throw in, how could I cheaply receive an alert ( in the form on an email or text ) when there is motion detected in the cameras and I don't mind using other available technologies ? Sorry to be a pain. Can I say how great this forum is and how much I have picked up from the posts is fantastic ( about the CCTV industry ) thanks again, look forward to your replies. Regards Moody
  3. donmoody

    DVR and VoIP

    Hello, hope you are all well, Thank you everybody. The digiguard dvr cost around £750 for a 8ch but this changes as and when my supplier feels like it. So what ways could I get my audio to another site, which would be the cheapest and most effective way. Thank you again. Regards Moody
  4. donmoody

    DVR and VoIP

    Thanks for the reply, I would like it, so when I speak down a mic, it transmits the message to the location via the dvr and the dvr possibly has an audio output, which I could connect speakers to, so it is out put into the yard or shop.... Unless there is an other way of doing this??? Sorry to sound silly, I hope you understand what I have explained. Thanks again regards Moody
  5. Hello, I am using a digiguard, i think it is from avtech?! Works on iphone 3gs but some times it is temperamental and needs resetting. its pretty good. Regards Moody