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Everything posted by TCC

  1. I have a customer with several DVMRe-16CD. GE does not support these anymore and i need to replace a hard drive. When I placed the new hard drive in, It comes up with the firmware page and shows the 137.4gig for the new drive. I let the system sit for a day and the progress bar has barely moved. Has anybody successfully replaced and hard drive and how?
  2. I can live with the 137gig, but having problems with the DVR starting up. Right now the system is setting at the first screen showing the firware verson and hard drive size. It's been sitting on this screen for a day or so now. The hard drive lite is on, but cannot tell is it is doing anything. I would like to know how the system is suppose to act during the new hard drive install. Thanks
  3. The DVR had a 80gig hd, but as you know they are hard to find. I was replacing the drive with a 160gig. The Mux Firmware is 3.2 and the PPE is 3.14.