First post, long time reader. I am building a geovision based system (not my first). I am having problems with the geo drivers. Geo installer says that they are installed, but windows tells me that they are not there. I have tried 3 different 1120a cards and 1 1240a. The cards do work in other machines. I have deleted all drivers, all geo*.ini files and software. Tried different PCIX slots. Please help or offer a suggestion that might put me on the right track. Any help greatly appreciated.
Mobo Intel DH55TC
CPU i3
RAM 2 dimms of OCZ 2GB
HD(os) 160GB
HD(cam data) 1.5TB
HD(cam data) 1.5TB
HD(cam data) 1.5TB
HD(cam data) 1.5TB
Power Sup Diablotek PHD 750