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  1. toe_mas

    Wireless transmission

    I considered that too... I knew the frequencies were the same, the 5.8 GHz were a bit pricey though, I was hoping for a quick answer! Thanks
  2. toe_mas

    help with hardware

    I can't speak for that one you're looking at, but I used to build my own DVRs, and I learned early on that I needed an Intel processor. AMD chips would crash sporadically, it depends on how the code was written in the DVR software. Now, that was years ago and maybe things at AMD have gotten better, but it has been my experience to stick with Intel. Good luck!
  3. I am just finishing a camera system for a client, everything has been great, but I have one camera left. It is a standard camera that needs to go wireless. I bought this unit: http://www.pinecomputer.com/2wicokit.html It says 300 feet, I am only going 75 or so, direct line of sight, window to window. It is almost like trying to point a little laser beam at a half a dime! Even then, when I get it right on, the picture has hums and bars, goes static for a second, video lost for a second, so on and so forth! I know about setting up a wireless bridge with the 3 mile transmitters/receivers and a camera server, but that is more than they want to spend, and more than they need. Has anyone actually used an inexpensive, reliable, video only transmitter that they were happy with? I tried all the different channels on the transmitter and receiver too, no big change. Even getting it close and moving the receiver around didn't do anything. Thanks for the help!