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Birdman Adam

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Everything posted by Birdman Adam

  1. I have 6 currently, with capability up to 8. Driveway shot, garage entrance/pad, side door, front door + windows, other side door + windows, deck. Every entrance to my home is covered. Unless you get a 20' ladder.
  2. Birdman Adam

    I need a PTZ that can do -150 Degrees Celsius

    I bet that Pelco will do just fine. I think your real problem will be any sort of ice forming, be it on the outside or inside of the dome. What I would do is buy like an argon container (like those used for preserving opened wine bottles) and pump argon in the dome before you seal it up. Should keep a pretty dry environment in there. Maybe you could toss in a couple silica gel packets too to take out any moisture as well?
  3. Birdman Adam

    Be nice to the burglar

    Fortunately where I live the rules are quite similar. I really hope no one tries to get in while I am home - but if they do... I won't hesitate if I feel threatened. Also, love the firearm freedom here. I can own most anything that isn't outrageous (some automatics, etc). More things can be obtained with more papers. I must own a couple dozen firearms of different use/caliber/design/etc. Tons of fun.
  4. Birdman Adam

    Designing system for my home. ( Looking for help etc... )

    Just had to say, beautiful images out of your camera! Can't wait to see more, sounds like you are going down the same path I did with my home and cabin installs! DIY is fun.
  5. Birdman Adam

    Quick question about switches

    Man, all you guys with your fast speeds! Take a look at mine... I reeeeally wish Verizon FIOS was available here! With the amount I download/upload (ahem torrents...) I am constantly maxing out my connection in BOTH directions.
  6. Birdman Adam

    Is this possible?

    I guess I would possibly try to tell them that it would be best if you simply offer the video to the TV on an easy-to-find input, like transmitting on a particular channel throughout the homes coax network. Then they can just press a couple buttons on the remote to look around. I've found this system to work great for me.
  7. Birdman Adam

    Is this possible?

    Getting camera views onto the TVs is easy. Use a modulator to broadcast a analog or digital signal into existing coax network. Or if they have like Satellite, run a composite line to TVs with proper amp, etc. Hard part is getting the TV to automatically switch when there is motion! Easiest way I see would be something I've seen in home-automation systems. Basically, an IR 'commander' that tells the TV to switch to a certain channel/input with a memorized code with a trigger from one of the DVR alarm outputs.
  8. Birdman Adam

    Hello from Texas.

    Looks good, as a DIYer I've used many CNBs as well, they really are great for the cost. One thing, maybe check your focus at night, it seems maybe its not quite 100%. With this camera it shouldn't shift much at all, but I always like to check at night when possible. Also, I might tighten up the shot a bit if you don't care about getting a "what going on" view on the road. Finally, I'm guessing the slight circular glare on the night image is from a nearby porch-light?
  9. Birdman Adam

    Residential Townhouse Install

    You lucky! You get FIOS internet?! That aside, sounds like you have it worked out quite well. I have a similar DVR and the brand is great. You will love the DVR, it is awesome for the price! Also, I've always been impressed with Monalisa CNBs. I would definitely use CAT5+Baluns, its easy and you don't have to mess with working coax into tight spots (you cannot bend it too much). Oh, one thing. That PTZ will be so high up, you cannot expect to always get a good face-shot of people near your trailer. It would be more of a head-top shot. But on the other hand, great spot for looking around everywhere else. The lower soffit cameras near garage and door will get great shots I'm sure. Oh, and I would run some like 18/2 or similar to help out the PTZ, as it will surely draw a few times the current of even the other CNBs combined.
  10. Yea, obviously blasting IR will throw off PIR detectors somewhat. I imagine its kinda like staring at the sun for the detector. Definitely check out a detector that uses microwave tech to sense motion - that would be how I solve it most likely. I don't see much of any other way to get the camera to see well...
  11. Birdman Adam

    Be nice to the burglar

    That is so unacceptable! This really enrages me... From what I know the law is better where I live (US), but it is sad to see that failed logic in that country.
  12. Birdman Adam

    24v power suply polarity?

    Yup, there isnt a wrong way really with 24VAC.
  13. Birdman Adam

    What type of security camera is this?

    Very interesting: Someone (probably home owner or similar) is really going out of their way to advertise the protection. Also, nice home. Must be many nice things in there. Its just funny that they have advertised it sooo much! These sorts of things always intrigue me!
  14. Birdman Adam

    What type of security camera is this?

    I would highly doubt it... Pretty sloppy work really! On another note, where is the power coming in for these cameras??? I see what looks like a wireless transmitter, but I didn't see any power lines going down the tree... Maybe you can follow the lines? I'm always curious when I find stuff like that in the woods. Is that on your property? Is it watching your home or something? Wierd...
  15. Birdman Adam

    Conduit Sizing.

    When in doubt, size it up. You will save yourself every time, (or the next guy).
  16. Birdman Adam

    Do/Would you display a Video Security sign?

    If you are going to advertise your defense, make sure they will work how you want them to. If someone comes into my home, I've got 8 cameras recording everything about them, multiple motion detectors, glassbreaks, sensor on every window+door, and 2 sirens (one HUGE outdoor one) and a strobe. Automatic callout of course... Oh, not to mention the plethora of guns. Got one up & downstairs, loaded and ready to blow away the guy who decides to step across the legal line... I love those little shooting signs. can I buy one without the fake holes and put my own shots into it? Had only one experience like Rory has... This was before I had the TV modulator, so I suddenly hear someone fumbling with front door after looking in the windows without noticing them walking up the drive. I start dialing 911, while ****ing the .357. I walk downstairs and his eyes come up to meet mine through the glass pane. The look on is face as I stare back at him...PRICELESS.
  17. Birdman Adam


    I would say the hard drive. My Zeus 8 works perfectly with a 1TB 7200RPM SATA HDD. Obviously, check connections (power and data!) Never had beeps...
  18. Well...The cat5 I used (and still have some left) for my projects is Coleman. It was a great deal, and the quality seems top-notch. Twists are perfect, high quality full copper wire inside. Good outer sheath, and includes the little white pull-cable. Perfect to use 2 pairs for power and 1 for balun.
  19. Birdman Adam

    Does this look normal? (PICTURES)

    Nah, I think it looks good. That's a sharp looking camera. It stands out a tad more than a little flush dome, but nothing wrong with that! The (potential) bad guys will pick up on it and decide to stay way. I know because I've caught people walking around my home, noticing cameras and shying away. Certainly if your homeowner's assn has some rules about cameras, then abide. I've had a neighbor give weird looks about the cameras, but then I remember he will be the one asking for footage of the street/my property when his home gets broken into! People don't understand the need for them until they have had something bad happen. A while ago we decided as a neighborhood we would install cameras at the entrance, but some people did not want to spend on them as they did not realize the value if it/were scared of them/just stupid people. If we had installed them 5 years ago we could have caught 4 burglaries red handed. Now they scoff at my cameras, and I just give back a big smile.
  20. Hmm, the composite output on my Zeus 8 looks as good as it could for composite. Even on a 1080p 42" TV, the composite looks good. I think you are expecting too much for composite - it is limited by a pretty low standard!
  21. Yup, mine has a HDD light red as well (full 1TB drive), and recording just fine.
  22. Birdman Adam

    My Home Setup - Qvis Zeus 8

    Well an update on getting DMSS to work on a BlackBerry Bold (very recent version)... I installed the app with Blackberry Desktop Software, after downloading the app from Nelly's Surplus website. I could not get it to work at first. Then I realized I needed port 554 open as well. From then on I tried a few different versions until I found one that worked. Rory I think it came from your website - Thanks: Both Nelly's Surplus and Rory's site (Bahamas Security) have been a huge help. " title="Applause" /> Answers to your Dahua questions are most likely there! I am currently playing with RTSP streams and VLC. Oh, and yes - I like the ESC4 (deck), ESC3-WDR, and ESC3 the most. My favorite is the little ESC4, it is a very compact dome, but built well. I am not a fan of the huge ESC1 bullet. These cameras are quite cheap, and offer quality (arguably) near but below Monalisas. I will get some night shots up soon as well, and some more identification shots! Here is a pic of my port forwarding. Not sure if the 37778 is required, all i know is 37777, 554, and 80 are required for web viewing and rtsp streaming:
  23. Birdman Adam

    cnb cameras

    Well surely this can get you started, a list of UNauthorized resellers: http://cnbusa.com/en/html/partner/unauthorizedreseller.php
  24. Birdman Adam

    I want a cheap half decent 8 channel

    Yea Dahua sounds like a good fit for you. (I love mine.) I got a Qvis Zeus 8. See my home thread for some info on it.
  25. Birdman Adam

    Teltonika Telemarketer is Relentless

    Do you have a messaging machine? I have heard of people recording a special information tone on their message, so when computers (and people for that matter as well!) call in they think the line is disconencted! Listen in: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/IC_SIT.ogg Full page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_information_tones Maybe record a new message with these tones played. Of course this may not be workable if you get a lot of legitimate calls...