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  1. hey, i m back again .. i think, that my problem is not clear yet ... so thats, where i am at the moment: i can connect to the avc , i can see (in "video viewer" + "video server E") the live stream and do nearly "every-thing" (config the avc, "play" with the osd..) but: i can not view the "in programm built in "event-lists".. this lists i can only see in the osd, but than i can not download the playback . furthermore (maybe, this is a [for me] hidden hint on the fault) i am not able to backup the firmware (in video-viewer). it is also crazy, that i cant see any message (exept "logout", "login" in the log, although i fired some motion-alerts) in the viewer-"event-list" (i font know the exact word in english, it is the symbol in the bottom-right of the video-viewer config). i can not always see in the aviable channels in the backup-menu. the dropdown is empty, until i clicked a while on any button (most times the refresh-button), than the aviable chanels are shown.. but when i try to download the playback in this menu, i just get the error-message, that the disk would be full (but there is enough space to save the whole avr-disk ...). i hope, that you can solve my problem (when u need some screens, i ll submit the requested ones). thanks in advance , Benne
  2. hi, yes, i can ping the dvr and i can go in the webinterface (and see the livestream). furthermore i m able to connect me to the dvr using the Video Server E (and watch live-stream, change configs, watch recorded scenes,..) i just want to download some scenes (which conforms some criteria) on my pc, so that i can pass them to other people (/police/archive it). when you need more infos about the DVR, i will open it and tell you details about chipset and other stuff you need. thanks so far and sorry for my bad english .., Bene
  3. hey, (i ve the IDE-version, without any USB-Ports on the back) my biggest problem atm is, that i m not possible to get ANY video from the DVR .. i tried the Video Server E, which works without any problems , but i m not able to get any video down to my pc .. weather through the webface, nor the Video Server E allows me to download any video .. any tipps what i can try ? greeetz and thanks so far!
  4. Hi folkx, today i got a "second-hand" AVC760Z .. i got it to work , so far the good news , but: i found a very old firmware on it, and i was not able, to find a newer one here (scorpion s links are offline =( ), anyone here, wo can send me the newest version? another question is, is it possible, to see a list of taken videos and view them (on the pc) without downloading them all? (i saw an option for that in the "Video Viewer" but -maybe it corresponds with the too old firmware- i was not able, to take a look at any video.. it would be great, to be able to connect via ftp with the box or sth like that *dreaming* .. whatever, thanks for ur responses! Bene