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  1. Ok, I had a cheap 4 channel cctv card from ebay, which came with a great bit of software (something by Avermedia) that only recorded motion, and in the video player I had a black timeline with green spikes showing any bit of motion recorded. It worked rgeat, except the framerate wasn't so good (5fps max). So now I have this new card, supporting 8 channels, and a new bit of software called DVR4000. The framerate on this is great, but it's lacking the features of my old one and it's really annoying me. It has settings for motion recording but they don't seam to be doign anything :s I have a constant flashing green circle in the corner of every camera, and when I go to play mode all I get is hundreds of motionless, pointless recordings, wasting valuable hard drive space. It doesn't even give me a timeline showing 'spikes' of motion detected either I've ran out of ideas with this program, it doesn't seem to be working the way I hoped it would Can anyone shed some light on it for me? Or recommend different software that would work with my card? Link below: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320489967924