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  1. Carlos

    Help with a DVR problem........

    Thanks for the help...... I'll give it a try.....may need a bit of hand holding as I mentioned...... Carlos
  2. Carlos

    Help with a DVR problem........

    Hi...... Just to update I received a new 750GB HD yesterday and installed it no probs........Switched it on and hey presto CCTV working and recording as before. Thanks for the help from scorpion and dvrtiger. If I can be a pain and ask........always wanted to connect the DVR to the internet to be able to view the CCTV via any PC, just wondering if any one has any knowledge of connecting this DVR and using it via the internet........Is there an.... 'idiots'....'step by step'....'hand held'.... guide on this forum for people like me to set it up, or could someone point me in the direction of a good online guide to do so. Any help would be appreciated......... Carlos
  3. Carlos

    Help with a DVR problem........

    Thanks......I'll sort it and get back...... Carlos
  4. Carlos

    Help with a DVR problem........

    Hi there...... I'm going to get a new HD as suggested, My question is, is there a limit that this DVR will take upto......its got 500GB at the moment.....just pricing up and larger ones seem to be better value........ If you can answer this can you recommend any online places to buy from (UK)...... Thanks for the help Carlos
  5. Carlos

    Help with a DVR problem........

    Hi Scorpion Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I haven't got a spare HD to test with. I was going to buy one, but didn't really want to spend out on a new one if the whole DVR was shot. I appreciate its very hard to say what the problem is, was just hoping that given the info some tech minded person may have come across this before and help out....... Anyone ????? Cheers Carlos
  6. Hi to all...this is my first post so be gentle.... Got a problem with my Raysharp DVR. When its in menu mode everythings fine. I can access all menus and change settings quickly and at the press of the remote button. When I press the record button all seems to be ok.....the date and time counters are working and showing correct. However when the DVR starts to record something everything freezes (time counter stops). When I press the stop record button the DVR takes ages to show anything on screen, basically the password, but it takes best part of five minutes to input all 6 password numbers. Eventually it stops and lets me access the menu where again all seems to work fine. Today however, after not having the DVR plugged in for a week or two I switched it on. The Raysharp title screen came on then an info screen showing....V2.6....G-V-EN....2009.1.20........then just a blank blue screen for about 15 minutes until the multiscreen of all the cameras showed and I could access the menus...... and then the same senario as before......I did try to reformat the HD (500GB) but after two and a half hours I gave up on it. Was wondering if the Harddrive had failed but now I'm not sure. Hopefully there's someone on here that might be able to help and shed some light on the problem. If it helps I've hopefully attached several pictures of my DVR, which is just over a year old and normally has three cameras working to it. Hope it all makes sense....thanks for any help in advance Carlos