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Posts posted by J.Jason

  1. Hi all,

    First off, I am a complete noob when it comes to CCTV installation. With that being said, I need some help.


    The place I work for had a CCTV installed 5 years ago, and now we are looking to add on to our existing system. But certain circumstances have led us to the situation that we can no longer use the company that orignally installed this system. My administrative team has come to me for help in getting this project done, but I know nothing about this kind of stuff.


    To give a quick overview I can list the equipment that I know we have:


    Rack Mounted:

    Middle Atlantic Products INC PD-915R

    I take this to be a power supply for the rest of the equipement that is mounted in a rack.


    Netlinx integrated controller NI-3000


    Vortex EF2280


    Pelco Genex Video Multi plex - 16 channel


    AUTOPATCH 1Y-16 - 16x16



    and we have 11 Pelco (model unknown) cameras installed.


    We also have 1 monitor and a touch screen controller (AMX). The controller allows us to monitor 1 room at a time on the monitor, or thumbnail all 11 images.


    All cabling looks like RG-6 with BNC connectors.


    The next part is a little tricky. In every room where we have a camera, we have an A/V system built in. The in room systems control a radio, video input systems, monitors for those inputs, image capturing systems (but the image capturing system is for a different camera entirely, not the CCTV). But each room's A/V system is independent of all other rooms.

    Each of those in room systems have a touch screen monitor that controls everything in the room, but where it ties in to the CCTV cameras, is the monitor allows the camera to be cut off.

    There is a button you press on the monitor that cuts the camera feed for 15 minutes.


    The new cameras that I need to install will not be hooked to any existing A/V systems like mentioned above.


    My problem is in order to accurately contract out this job, I feel I need to have a basic understanding of what it is I have. I believe that since we have a 16 channel multiplex and a 16 channel matrix controller, we should have room to install 5 more cameras.


    So can anyone help me understand what all this equipment is and how/why it works or is installed together? I know it's kind of difficult without looking at my application on hand, but I'm at a loss. I need somewhere to start so I can first understand what I have, secondly understand what it will take to add additional cameras.
