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  1. UPDATE It was exactly as you said.As soon as the new capture cards where fitted then everything worked perfectly.Also noticed an improvement in picture quality and control of the PTZ was a lot quicker Thanks
  2. Hi Just picked up your reply.Thanks for that.Pelco have had us installing cxta telemetry unit and master distribution amplifier units and cost me over 60 hours labour.Wish i had logged on earlier
  3. I have a problem with the telemetry control when i try to connect the cameras to the adpro.The adpro has the DTC card fitted and the cameras are set up for coaxitron in the dx8100.I have looped through the dx8100 to the adpro.The cameras are terminated within the adpro settings and the dx8100 has been restarted to enable the automatic loopthrough.However the telemetry goes all to pot once i do this.I have proved each bit of kit independently and they each work fine.I know there is obviuosly a conflict but is there any way of getting both of these bits of kit to work together?