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Everything posted by radioalarm

  1. I have AVC777 16cam DVR plus AVC732 webserver (horrible device). It seems that my recording rate is stuck at about 1fps, at least that's what I see through server. I'm not using motion triggers or alarms, just timer for 24 hours. Previously it was set to 12fps/basic, I've changed to 18A/high, but the recorded video is still very jerky. I connect to server through LAN, so the link speed is not a problem. And the live picture looks fine too. The picture looks ok when I accelerate the recording to 16x, so it's not a HDD glitch. Do I have to reset something after changing record fps?
  2. radioalarm

    AVT AVC777 record quality fps problem

    Interlaced image? Is it common for DVRs to be so limited? Sorry for stupid question, but I'm kinda new to this video surveillance field. 1fps is not acceptible when you are trying to see thief's face, and he shows it for like 2 seconds. I inherited this monster along with the building
  3. radioalarm

    AVT AVC777 record quality fps problem

    Exactly. 777 doesn't have lan. 9 It's not a connection problem, as I stated in my first post, because live feed over webserver looks fine. I'm on the same network as server, no internet links involved.