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  1. Hello to anyone who reads this. I will firstly apologise for my complete ignorance for the inappropriate terms and definitions and I will appreciate it if anyone had the time to explain and correct me. My task is as follows: I have recently inherited a complete Indigovision surveillance system and my instructions are to get it working and turn the system functional (at this time we got 16 cameras that just look at turnstiles all day). My job is to look at the security aspect of the system (we have 4 factories on the same site with 600+ workers). My dilemma: I have put the system working (considering the system has had no backup for the last 5 years) and I’m quite happy with the way it is working. BUT I want to add another 16 cameras – 4 of which are speed domes (36 x opt). In adding the cabling and everything else is not the problem. My problem lies in connecting the analogue video to the system. I need I think you would call them encoders that will send an IP signal to the system and the Inigovision will decode it to show the information on my PC. Up to now I assume that my information is correct (again please correct me if I’m wrong about any of this). I have managed to source everything but the ENCODERS: which in South Africa costs US $1.750,00 (closest place to source considering I’m in Mozambique) in total the encoders will cost me $28.000,00. These prices are from the nearest IndigoVision supplier I can find. My question is this: does anyone know of a cost effective encoder that is compatible with the Indigovision system (IndigoVision control centre version 3.16 build 8 ) that is cost effective and has a low bandwidth? Again my apologies if this is long winded but I have very little backup in this area and any help would be greatly appreciated.